Pain In The Ass (Rin, Blue Exorcist)

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You heard the boy at the back of your class shout. Rin. Rin Okumura. You'd only joined the school a few days ago, but you could already tell this guy was gonna be a pain in the ass.

"Rin..." Your teacher began, "Will you please stop calling out in the middle of class?" You swore for a second you saw Yukio mushroom sigh. "Besides, this is information you have to know to become an exorcist."

The navy-haired boy groaned and layed his head down on his desk. He muttered something under his breath, presumably something rude.

"look at the example you're setting for the younger students, and you're not exactly making a good first impression on (f/n)"

Rin pulled his head up from the puddle of drool on his desk and wiped the remnants of saliva from his mouth. "Huh? New kid? Oh boy- fresh meat!" Rin jumped to his feet immediately, an excited sparkle in his eye. "Where, where, where!?"

Yukio closed his eyes as he put a hand to the side of his head. He looked pained.

"We will take a ten-minute recess to revise what we have just learnt- and Rin..."

Yukio made eye contact with his brother. His expression was an uncomfortable blend of exhaustion and desperation. "...please, get down from the desk."

Rin hopped down nimbly, with a smile so big he had to close his eyes to make room for it on his face. You saw his teeth. "Holy crap!" You thought to yourself, "Is he a demon himself? Yeesh. Go get those bad boys filed or something..." You realised he was walking towards you. Uh-oh. You weren't so great with new people...or old people...or just people in general. Before he reached you, you were scared out of your wits by another unfamiliar face.

"Hey!" She was short, with short blonde hair and green eyes to compliment her face. She wore a cute headband and a pink kimono down to her feet. "I'm Shiemi! I'm training hard to become an exorcist. You must be the new girl! Nice to meet you." you were taken back a little. This girl, she was so happy. She seemed so animated...

A little green thing jumped out from her pocket and started dancing on your desk. Shiemi giggled. "Heehee! This is Nee. He's my little buddy! Yuki taught me how to summon him! Isn't he just adorable?" You laughed under your breath. "Heh. Yeah, he kinda is." You smiled at Shiemi as she took a seat next to you. For a second you forgot that you were having a conversation.

"O-oh I'm (f/n) by the way."

"(f/n)? That's such a cute name!" Shiemi squealed as she petted Nee softly and placed him back in her pocket. "Oh by the way-"


A male voice cut Shiemi off. "You're the new kid, right?"

You looked up at him. He seemed serious- so much so that he almost intimidated you. You looked into his eyes as you noticed yourself beginning to break into a small sweat.


He looked you up and down before leaning in closer to your face.

"Hmmmm...." He mused. He gave you a strange look. Was he...examining you? You backed your face away slowly, your eyes becoming significantly wider.

"Cool!" He shouted, startling you. "Nice to meet you! (f/n), right? That's awesome! I'm Rin!"

His expression had completely changed. He had a giant grin plastered to his face once again.

"That dull doof up there is my brother- HEY! YUKIO!!" You covered your ears just a second too late. Yukio looked up at you all from his desk, pushing his glasses up and waving with a forced, exhausted smile. He glared at Rin and got back to his paperwork.

Rin laughed to himself.

"So, (f/n), what's your deal? You single or what?" You immediately blushed at Rin's question and began to stutter uncontrollably.

"Rin! You can't ask her that! You just met! Look, see? You're making her uncomfortable!" Shiemi stood and folded her arms at him.

"What's the problem? It's not like I actually asked her out or anything! I just asked if she was single or not. Jeez. If you don't ask, you don't find out, right?" Rin began to blush and turned his back on both of you.

"Whatever, Rin-San. I'm gonna go revise my notes before the recess is over." Shiemi stuck her tongue out at him before twirling around and skipping back to her seat. It suddenly hit you that you were alone with Rin. Oh crap.

"So really, what's your deal?" He asked, laying across your desk lazily and looking up at you.

"S-single..." You said quietly, looking to the side.

"Oh yeah? Heh. I'll remember that." He had a smug grin on his face, teeth showing, eyes closed. You suddenly felt even more uncomfortable than before, however that was possible. You were thankful to Yukio for putting an end to the awkward silence between you.

"Okay class, please return to your seats. The recess is over, we will now move on to lawful trade of exorcism supplies and-"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuurrrrhhhhhh. Hey four eyes, can't we learn something interesting? Just for once, man? Come on!" Rin seemed pained as he rolled around in front of you, trying to get comfortable. Yukio shot him a look that made him freeze. The whole room fell silent as a tension built but Rin couldn't seem to care less. He yawned as he lazily picked himself up from your desk. "Ciao, (f/n)." He said, as he flashed you one last giant grin and a thumbs-up before walking leisurely back to his seat. The tension left the room once more as Yukio continued with the lesson. When you came to write your first note, you looked down. Your desk was a mess. You groaned to yourself quietly. Rin. Rin did this. You took a deep breath and sighed.

"Pain in the ass..."

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