Chapter 2:Skylar

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The elevators came to a halt and slowly opened. The sound of the things inside of it. She could hear the cranking of the doors to the elevators opening, some of the teens tried to look under the slits that were increasing in size every second. After enough of it opened some of the teens turned white like a ghost and couldn't move, some made a sound. Skylar glanced over to her right to see the boy named Peter next to her. When they woke up she felt a strange feeling to go over to him and talk to him, although she didn't know who he was. In fact, she didn't know who anyone was. He could've been her brother for all she knew.

Who are you?

She asked herself. She glanced back to the elevators then to her left to see the boy named Issac. He was tapping his foot and breathing heavily. Skylar realized she was breathing like she ran a mile as well and her heart was beating a mile a minute. She looked back over to the elevators, they were just about half way out when something jumped out of it. At first it looked as bright as the sun, Skylar had to hide her eyes at first but then they slowly adjusted. The thing in front of her screeched again, it was on fire and it was about as tall as a bear, it was on all fours and looked sort of like a lion. The fire on it was floating in the air, defying physics. It's eyes were pale white, it showed it's fangs and they were on fire as well. Another one jumped out in the other elevator, they were identical to each other. The one that jumped out of the first elevator pounced on a boy and as soon as he had the poor boy pinned down, he slowly started to turn to ash, cutting off his blood cuddling screams in half. Skylar was frozen in fear. A tear trickled down her check, soothing her hot skin.

Someone shook her and she snapped out of her trance immediately. She turned to the person who was shaking her and it was Issac. "Fucking snap out of it!" He yelled as he ran over to the ledge where they were supposed to jump on the white platforms, he hesitated and then jumped, landing on the white surface. She was about to join him but then she remembered Peter, she looked over his way and saw that he was paralyzed by the monsters as well, but nobody had snapped him out of it. She looked at the door to see someone trying desperately to open the door but unsuccessfully. Skylar ran over to Peter and slapped him in the face. "Come on, we gotta move!" It might have been a little aggressive, but it got the job done because Peter looked at her then ran over to the white platforms. She ran as fast as she could then took a giant leap. She landed on the white surface, it was smooth. She looked ahead and saw more white platforms that eventually led to another door, she turned to her right to see someone try to jump to a white platform that was a little farther away then Skylars and fall to their death, they hit the lava with a splash. She turned up to see Issac was already two ahead of Skylar, Alex had jumped on his first, so did Peter. Autumn and Zeke were on their second, Theo was up their with Isaac, and Josh and Jake were about to jump to the second one. Skylar froze again but when she saw one of the flame monsters jump on a platform she moved her ass.

The second platform was way further away then the first. She was nervous as hell but she would rather chance not making it over being turned to ash by a fire monster any day of the week. She took another giant leap, it was a leap of faith but she was able to land on the next platform. She glanced back to make sure everyone behind her was ok, she didn't think anyone else had died since the boy he turned to ash and the boy who fell off the platform. She jumped again, and again, each jump making her blood run cold. When she made it to the other side of the ledge, and looked back nobody else had died, the monsters were still trying to get them of course but they hadn't succeeded in doing so. She ran to the door and opened it, the blast of cool air made her collapse to the floor, she then went into a extreme coughing fit. She hadn't even seen what was in the next room, she was to busy trying not to puke. As the rest came inside of the room some of them just collapsed, some of them puked, and some of them just walked into the room.

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