Chapter 3:Peter

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"greetings, I am sure you-"

"Ah shut the fuck up you wanker, I can barely understand you, sounds like you have a hot pile of shite in your mouth!" Issac kept going on with his insults while the man on the microphone was still talking, he made the microphone louder so it would overpower Isaacs voice.

"As I was saying before I was so rudely cut off, you will be able to enter another room very shortly. Now, I'm sure you're all very anxious to understand what's going on here, and all will be revealed when the ones who are still alive make it out. Good luck."

Issac threw his hands up in the air. "Well that certainly fills me with relief, when almost all of us you'll finally tell us huh? I couldn't be more thankful for this useful information!" Alex sighed. "Man just stop..." Issac made a grunt and went over to a wall to kick it with all of his force. "Jesus Christ..." Alex said as he rubbed his fingers threw his hair. Peter looked at Skylar and Skylar looked at him, he could see the worry etched into her face, he assumed he had the same sort of face. "So um, should I continue with what I was about to say?" Skylar slightly nodded her head. "Well, what I was about to say was... I feel like I know you, I don't feel that way about Issac, Theo, or Alex.... But you... It's different..." Skylars eyes lit up, "I feel the same way... I feel like I know you.... It's kinda weird, huh?" Peter was racking his brain to come up with words, so it wasn't just him? "Yeah... Yeah it is..." Skylar opened her mouth again but the voice came back on.

"You may now open a door." The voice was gone as quick as it had came. There was only one door to walk through this time so they didn't have to decide which door to go through. "Well... I guess I'll go first...." Everyone started to pile close to the door. Skylar and Peter were in the back, along with Jake and a few other people Peter didn't know. All of a sudden Jake out his hand on Peters shoulder. "I think you know I don't really like you much, but I just want to make it clear.... I'm gonna keep an eye on you and make sure you don't do anything fishy...." Jake clinched down on Peters shoulder harder. Peter looked at him and pushed him off.

Jake grinned, "are we gonna do something?"

"I don't know, are we?" Peter glanced at everyone else, they were no longer facing the door, they were all looking at the altercation between Jake and Peter. "come on guys... We can't be playing childesh games like this...." Theo said. Jake looked at her and put his hands up, "I totally agree I won't do a single thing." He looked back at Peter with his ferocious eyes. Peter didn't really like him much. Jake shoved his way up closer to the line.

What could make him not like me? Peter asked. I don't remember him, but maybe he knows something about me? That's the only thing I can think of.

Peter closed his eyes and puffed in a large amount of air and opened his eyes again, he noticed Skylar was grasping his arm, she let go after she noticed he had seen her. "Ok... Oh shit... Here we go..." Zeke said from the beginning of the line. He opened the door and was greeted by a wall of pitch black. "Um?" He said. After a few seconds he went in, he was immediately absorbed by the darkness, and everyone else went into the darkness as well. When Issac went in he said "fuck this..." Out loud. When it got to be Peters turn, he looked back and saw Skylar, and two others Waiting behind her. He gave a weak smile and went in. The darkness was cold, and the next thing he knew he walked into a new area, it was a farm of some sorts, everyone else that had gone in was also looking around confused, Skylar gasped when she came in. "How the hell is that even possible?!?!" Josh screamed at the top of his lungs. As Peter looked back to see what was going on, the girl who was behind Skylar just appeared out of thin air, then the next person appeared out of thin air as well, "woah...." Jake said, walking over to the area they appeared out of thin air. He swiped his hand through it, then turned to the others. "Nothing weird here, it just feels like normal air."

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