Need Crazy to Beat Crazy

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  The tunnels where no sane man dreamed to be. Danny Whizbang, Freddie Thorne, Thomas Shelby, and Damon Salvatore all had seen the terrors of being under the war, in the tunnels. Damon Salvatore and Thomas Shelby the ones that never got along but now they are the only ones that they can rely on. The only ones that can understand each other.

The sound of children's laughter filled Thomas Shelby ears as he walked through the doors of the man he no longer believed in. In the pews of the gods home sat Polly Gray, a fierce and strong women that knew how to rule with an iron fist. Thomas walks toward the strong head woman and sits right behind her.  

 " I have ten minutes what do you want?" Tommy more told then asked 

" An explanation, I've always been able to tell when you're hiding something. " Polly stated as she played with her rosary beads, mainly out of habit but a small part of her did it in hopes that god would listen to her silent prayer.  

" People around here talk. Some of them work at the BSA. I've Been talking to the wives of the factory hands." she leans back against the pews and continued, " Detectives have been asking questions in the proofing shops. Nothing happens in that factory without you knowing about it. Speak. God and Aunt Polly are listening." she once again stated.

 Tommy leans back with a rough grunt. He knew deep down he couldn't hide anything from the smart women for long, and so he told her what he had done

 " It was meant to be a routine." Thomas sits up once again to pat his jacket pocket for a smoke, once he finds what he is looking for he continues, "I had a buyer in London for some motorcycles. I asked my men to steal me four bikes with petrol engines. I'm guessing my men were drunk."

Polly straightened up grasping her beads tighter hoping, praying that Thomas isn't going to say what she thinks he is going to say.

 " The picked up the wrong fucking crate. The boys dropped it to Charlie Strong's yard as agreed. They must have taken it from the proofing bay instead of the export bay. Inside we found 25 Lewis machine guns, and 10,000 rounds of ammunition, 50 semi automatic rifles, 200 pistols with shells." 

 "Jesus tommy." is the only thing Polly can utter without snapping and killing her nephew. 

Thomas finishes ignoring Polly's comment "All bound for Libya are sitting right there in Charlie Strong's Yard." Polly swirls her head to face tommy with a face full of furey and stiffness then asked in a strain voice,

 " Tell me you threw them in the cut?" looking at him with doubt in her muddy brown eyes.

 "We put them in the stables out of the rain. The guns hadn't been greased yet." Polly snaped right after Thomas told her those words and suddenly swings at Thomas slapping him multiple times. He makes no move to stop her, only moves a little to the side to lessen the power behind the women's hits. 

Soon after Polly has calmed down she stated with her voice stern and with no room for more lies.

 " So that's why they sent the copper from Belfast." 

"Maybe, Maybe not." is the only thing Thomas says, this did littler to tame Polly much to his disappointment. Polly turns around to face him again.

 "Thomas you are a bookmaker, a robber, a fighting man, you are not a fool. You sell those guns to anyone that has use for them, you will hang." The sound of a door opening and the preacher walked through the isle and into the back, Polly turns her back away from tommy almost instantly for not to raise suspicion.

 "Dump them somewhere the police can find them. Maybe if they know they hadn't fallen into the wrong hands, this might blow over. Tell Charlie to dump them tonight." Polly argues trying to talk sense into her dumb and stubborn nephew.

" No, he won't move contraband under a full moon. He will in three days until it wanes." tommy reasoned with Polly.

 "What are you going to do?" Polly questioned. 

Tommy stands up with the pack of cancer in his dirty hands "The only thing i can do" he stated.

 " what may that be then Thomas? Please do tell me what your wonderful plan can do!" Polly almost yelled with her thick bermingham accent.

Thomas begins to walk away toward the doors with nothing but confidence and cockiness. Deciding to cut his aunt some time he calls over his shoulder with a rare smirk as he opens the doors to the church,

"You need crazy to beat crazy, so that's exactly what what I'm going to do. I'm bringing crazy!" Thomas walks away and soon after the declaration aunt Polly was left with god and her thoughts.

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