The Man That Smelled of Cigars and Wind

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" I'm back~." The man that smells of cigars and wind sings out. 

Thomas's heart clenched with relief and warmth. He had always felt that way whenever Damon was around.  It made him feel almost safe, even before they had become brothers. There was a pregnant silence while the man looked around with an almost knowing smirk before a boy with greased hair pulled out a used revolver. Not knowing what he did would have serious consequences.

Before anyone else could pull out another gun Tommy pulled out his own and shot through the walls a total of 2 times before promising,

" I suggest you put that gun down, aye? That ain't a toy, unless you want a bullet between your eyes?"

The greasy boy with shaky hands and scared eyes slowly put his gun back under his shirt. Soon following, the Shelby man put down his gun away as well.

"Damon." John cheered while rushing  to the man who was already prepared for Johns big hug. Once giving him a tight squeeze Damon moved onto Arthur who smiled with excitement to finally see his friend once again.  Thomas not used to public affecting or any type of affection just cleared his throat and walked up to Damon as Arthur let go. 

"Damon." Thomas simply states with a tired face.

"Tommy." Damon replied keeping a straight face for a moment then smiles and brings Thomas into tight hug causing Thomas to smile the brightest he has ever since the war had ended. Damon soon let's go.

"Now I say we get a drink before we start talking business aye?." Arthur announces already heading back to the small room in the Garrison. Polly only stares at the newcomer not sure whether to trust him or not.

"Damon I want you to meet our aunt Poll," John started and then finished with " she was the one I was talking to you about. Always dealing with the kids when I'm away on business." Damon turns to the women who stares at him with a straight face.

" You do know what it is we do and what we are dealing with don't you?" Polly questions smirking thinking he can't possibly have know the full extent to have embraced Thomas the way he did and to talk normally with The Shelby boys. Damon being who he is smirks back.

" Well Being who I am I know almost everything including your little gun problem." Damon whispers in her ear. Walking away from Polly with the smirk still on his face he walks over to Arthur who has already ordered drinks which where on the house according to Harry Fenton who owns the pub.


Damon was laughing along with John who had said a joke to the family while Thomas was sitting there looking at Damon with a drink of  irish whiskey in one hand and a stick of cancer in the other. Soon Grace, the barmaid that had just gotten a job at the Garrison, came round with another bottle of whiskey as Arthur requested. Damon had a feeling Grace would cause nothing but destruction to the Shelby family and himself. Damon was always right about people, call it a gut feeling.

Eventually the Shelbys decided that it was time to go home and call it a night as they would talk business tomorrow. Damon was to stay the night at Thomas's house as Thomas was the one to invite him. John had to take care of his children, while Arthur was just to drunk to even offer to let Damon go to his house, Polly house would have been fine if she had trusted him.
On the way to Thomas's house Damon decided to become reconnected with Thomas.

"So you've got yourself a woman yet?" Damon asked Thomas with a hint of a smirk on his face.

" Now why would I need a woman." Thomas asks while blowing out a cloud of smoke from his cigarette.

" Well i was just wonder if someone had claimed that fine ass of yours." Damon says jokingly.

Thomas deeply chuckled as he was used to Damon complimenting his ass along with just complimenting him in general. To Soon they had reached Thomas Shelby's home. As the two men walked into the small house they said their failwells and went their separate ways into different bedrooms. Both not knowing what to say after Damon's comment.

Unknowing to the man that smelt of wind and cigars a certain Shelby had yet to calm down the light redness in their cheeks. Who would of thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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