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"Things were... a lot different back in middle school. I remember hearing a few months ago that his grandfather had died in his first year. I know he had a sort of god complex when we were in our third year, but honestly, he never deserved this. I can say with confidence that he was more scared than anything else. I hope he wakes up soon..."

"Tell me, Kunimi~san. Do you plan to press charges on ---------? He is the reason your lover is in a coma to begin with, yes?"

"Ah, no. I don't intend to press charges. What he did was awful, but I can't put any more stress on his older brothers."

"How do you feel about ---------? Who is he to you?"

"He was my best friend. I cared about him though I'd never say it to his face. I was vaguely aware that he was in love with me, but I never thought he would do something like this."

"Kunimi~san, being honest, do you truly believe that --------- shouldn't be charged for attempting to murder Kageyama Tobio? Or are you simply siding with your moral compass?"

"Well miss, if it's honesty you want... I hope he can hear me right now when I say this... I hope you burn in hell, Kindaichi."
*2 months earlier*
"Um, Akira? Is this really a good idea? Doesn't your team hate me?" Kageyama questioned his boyfriend. Kunimi rolled his eyes.
    "Chill babe. Kindaichi kinda hates you yea but no one else does," Kunimi said with an annoyed tone.
    Kageyama was a prick to most people, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't soft with Kunimi and (much to his dismay) Kunimi was the same way with Kageyama. Kageyama planted a soft kiss on the slightly taller boy's lips before Kunimi opened the door to Iwaizumi's house where most of the Seijho team were having a weekend sleepover.
    "I'm here, Iwaizumi~senpai," Kunimi said plainly as he hung up his jacket.
    Iwaizumi smiled and met the wing spiker at the door.
    "Ah, glad you could make it, you too otōto. Kawa! Kunimi and your otōto are here!" Iwaizumi called out.
    The team was slightly puzzled; last they checked Iwaizumi and Oikawa didn't have a little brother. Oikawa tripped as he ran to the front door excitedly as Kunimi stepped to the side.
    "Otōto! I missed you!" Oikawa exclaimed.
    Kageyama had to admit he was a little soft for his senpais. Kageyama stepped in with a chuckle as he hugged Oikawa.
    "Ohayo oniisan. I missed you too," Kageyama said with a small smile as Iwaizumi ruffled his hair.
Makki sat up with a smile.
    "Oikawa~san! You didn't tell us Kageyama was your brother! Iwaizumi, you too!" Oikawa chuckled nervously.
    "Ah well, he's not biologically our brother. But we've known each other long enough that he may as well be."
    Kageyama held up a half-assed peace sign as he greeted the room. Yahaba sat up with a sudden realization.
    "Wait, Kunimi! Didn't you say you were bringing your boyfriend?"
    Everyone's eyes were on Kageyama, who suddenly felt an energy similar to when Hinata stares at someone intensely. Kageyama cleared his throat.
    "Well uh, hey I guess. I'm Akira's boyfriend."
    Jaws hit the floor. Kindaichi was fuming.
Kunimi, who couldn't care less about what the team thought, wrapped his arms around Kageyama's waist and rested his chin on his shoulder, quietly talking to him, causing the setter to smile. Oikawa could tell how much more lively Kunimi was, and how calm Kageyama was. The whole team could tell how Kageyama's walls were down with Kunimi, and they were honestly thankful. The Aoba Johsai team often hung out with Kageyama but this was the first time they were hearing of him dating Kunimi or being their captain's little brother.
Kyotani tossed the younger setter a bottle of soda as the setter sat on the arm of the couch, Kunimi in his arms. The team suddenly broke out into a chaotic fit of laughter and yelling. Kageyama was honestly having a lot of fun (Kunimi didn't mind it), but Kindaichi's eyes were boring into Kageyama's very soul. He resented Kageyama for his tyrannical ways back in middle school, and he now resented him even more for taking Kunimi from him. He knew there was another reason he refused to speak to Kageyama, but he didn't want to talk about that. Kindaichi continued to admire Kunimi, he especially loved his smile. It was rare to see Kunimi smile, but as much as he adored it, he hated that it was Kageyama making him smile like that.
After a few hours, when everyone had begun to settle down, Iwaizumi began to make dinner with Yahaba whilst the others played truth or dare like a bunch of middle schoolers trying to be cool. When it was Mattsun's turn, he sipped his hot tea and turned to Kindaichi.
    "Ok ok, Kindaichi~san, Truth or dare?"
    Kindaichi chose the "​safe" ​option and chose truth. Mattsun smirked.
    "Why do you ​really hate Kageyama?" he asked. Kindaichi choked on his water and coughed. Makki looked at his boyfriend with confusion and asked.
    "Uh, babe? Everyone already knows why he hates Kags, it's because of Kageyama's attitude in middle school."
    Mattsun chuckled darkly and looked Kindaichi in the eyes.
    "That's not the only reason though, is it?~"
    The atmosphere in the room changed on a dime, tension from Mattsun's words suffocated everyone's senses. Kindaichi stiffened up, glancing at Kageyama. Kageyama looked away as Kunimi squeezed his hand with quiet reassurance. Kageyama spoke up as Kindaichi opened his mouth.
    "That's classified."
    The attention went to Kageyama, with an annoyed glance from Mattsun.
    "Now I ​really ​gotta know."
    Kageyama sighed in anger, giving in way too easily,  
    "We used to date."

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