Mind Tricks

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It happened to be winter now, the cold snow blowing into the tunnel making contact with my feet.
I pulled my feet up to my body and stared at the snow.
A smile appeared on my face.
The brightness of it was so delightful.
"I know." Luke said as he appeared out of the dark.
His eyes blue, not his normal blue, but blue. His eyes blood shot.
He's been crying
My mind repeating over and over again.
"Know what?" I asked as he sat down next to me.
His eyes meeting mine.
"I know about Calum." He started, "I know about your crush on him."
My eyes met the ground.
I was ashamed.
Not only had I made Luke upset because I told him sorry, but I had also made him upset because I have a crush on his bestfriend.
"I-I'm sorry." I stuttered.
Millions of thoughts going through my mind.
I looked over to him, his eyes roaming around the tunnel, never making contact with me.
"I like you." He said finally breaking the silence, "I like you just about as much as he does." He looked up at me, "Maybe even more."
He smiled, his eyes glistening.
I leaned in and kissed him on his forehead.
"I know." I said.
His face bright, his eyes gleamed of happiness.
I hadn't meant to mess with his feelings, just to show him my appreciation. To show him that I might have something for him too. To show that I'm sorry for liking his best friend.
He stood up and walked into the darkness. His face red. I could tell he was smiling.
I liked him. But did I love him? I don't know. I hadn't thought about it. I didn't want to think about it. I just wanted to be home. I just want to be back in my bed. To wake up to my alarm clock and shower.
Would I ever have the chance to do that?
I wouldn't know, and I was torn about it.
I looked back at the snow. It was halfway melted.
I sighed.


My body ached of weakness. My stomach growling. My hair greasy.
"Luke?" I questioned as I stood up.
I looked into the darkness.
I had never thought about where Luke went when he went into the darkness.
"Luke?" I questioned again.
"Yes, darling?" I heard Luke say as his figure became visible.
My face blushed.
"Why do you stay in here?" I asked, I thought for a second, "I'm sorry, you don't have to answer that."
That was stupid
My mind speaking for me.
"Because, I'm scared." He said, "I haven been out in the open in a long time. At least not me."
I smiled at him. He smiled back.
"What are you scared of?" I asked.
He waited for a minute before answering.
"Things." He said.
It seemed to me that he was scared. You could see it in his eyes. Scared of what's out in the world. He's been in this tunnel for god knows how long. The only time he's out is when he's not Luke. I felt bad.
"Oh." I said as I nodded my head.
Tell him you like him.
I can't.
Tell him you love him.
Because I can't.
My mind had became a trick to me. My mind had made it so that everything was awkward. My mind had wanted me to tell Luke things that my heart didn't want to tell him.
Your ashamed. Or scared.
No! No! No!
Tell him.
"Leave me alone!" I yelled as I cupped my ears with my hands.
Luke looked at me.
"I-I-," I said as Luke cut me off.
"It's your mind isn't it?" He asked. He smiled.
I sighed, "Yeah."
"Don't worry, happens to me all the time."
Hearing this from Luke was new. I didn't know his mind played him like my mind played me.
"What was it telling you?" He said as we both sat down.
I looked at him. He seemed interested. He didn't act like I was crazy, or that I needed help.
I didn't know whether to tell him or not. These are things that Im not ready to tell him. Things that I was scared of.
"Nothing." I said as I shook my head. I chuckled as if it were stupid.
"If you must know, I do want to know what it is. And I don't think it's stupid." He said with positivity.
It became darker, and colder than normal.
Luke's eyes filled with fear, his heart picking up pace.
"Luke? What's going on?" I said as we both stood up.
He grabbed my wrist and pulled into the darkness.
"Whatever you do, stay by me, and don't touch the walls." He said. Fear shaking in his voice.
He held onto me, no longer by my wrist, but now he was holding onto me by my waist. His hands big and soft. I felt protected and safe.
"Stop trying to protect her!" A voice yelled. It was mad.
His fear turned into anger. His eyes a dark blue. Darker than I've ever seen.
"Never." He said.
This time he was holding onto me like a hug. His grip tight. His body cold but warm at the same time.
My head was on his chest. His chin on my head. I closed my eyes.
Yelling. That's all there was.
I gasped as I felt a pain in my back.
I screamed. Tears filling in the back of my eyes. My body shaking.
It felt like I had just been stabbed.
"Shh, it's not real. It's not real." Luke whispered in my ear, "It's not real."
It felt real. It felt beyond real. It was pain I had never experienced.
Luke patted my hair as he kept repeating "It's not real." .
I closed my eyes. Left only to hear Luke's heartbeat.


I woke up in Luke's arms. He was warm. His grip was tight.
My eyes puffy and red and my ears ringing. My mouth dry and my throat throbbing.
Luke happened to notice me moving because he started to talk to me.
"Hi." He said. His eyes full of fear but full of love.
"Hi." I mumbled. My mouth barely moving.
He chuckled.
"Are you ok?" He asked his tone of voice turning into fear.
I nodded at him and smiled.
My throat hurt and I didn't want to talk. My body was stiff.
"What do you remember?" Luke asked. He rubbed his hand up and down my arm.
I was quiet for a moment.
"Everything." I replied.
My eyes teared up again.
"Thank you." I said.
Luke had kept me safe. He held onto me. He made me feel protected.
It's not real.
My mind triggered over and over again the words that Luke had said in my ear.
"No need to thank me." He said.
Luke had protected me. Maybe I did love him. Everything had become confusing. Everything. And I couldn't figure out a way to answer all of the confusing question.
Tell him you love him.
Should I?
He protected you, didn't he?
He made you smile, didn't he?
He kept you alive, didn't he?
You love him.
I do.
Tell him.

I smiled.
I was tired, sure I did just wake up but all the screaming had worn me out. I closed my eyes.
"I-I love you,Luke." I said.
I hadn't seen his smile. But I could tell he was happy. His heart beating faster and louder.
He leaned down and kissed my forehead.
"I've been waiting for that dear." I heard him say as I drifted off.
All of my fears disappeared. All of my questions vanished. Because I was in Luke's arms.
I did love him, I loved his smile, his laugh, his eyes, his everything. He makes me happy.
Should I be in love with him?
But am I?
Calum no longer existed in my mind.

Authors note: ok, what did you think? Good? Bad? Idk I think it was cute. Also do you think I should have a full chapter in Luke's POV? Comment down below. Also I just realized that Caitlyn and Luke don't pee. OMG

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