Chapter 1

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Avin Motimix had no clue that her life was about to change forever. Avin is someone who grew up very alone. She never had a great relationship with her mother because she was an alcoholic. She also had social anxiety at a very young age which made making friends extremely exhausting and difficult. If you thought it couldn't get more sad, her father passed away when she was only fourteen, leaving her heart broken and traumatized. This left Avin to practically raise herself and take care of herself for most of her life. She learned to never get angry or frustrated with her mother for being the way she was, although moving out of her mothers house helped Avin get a fresh start. After Avin moved out when she was eighteen, she moved in with her very best friend at the time, Noel. Noel was the only person in Avin's life who she considered a friend and someone she could actually talk to. They were like sisters, so close it was almost like they were conjoined at the hip, but good things never last long. After Avin stayed unemployed for almost five months, Noel started to feel used and like Avin wasn't going to ever start her life or leave the house. Avin knew Noel felt this way because they were very open with each other, which made Avin certain she needed to get her life together. Not long after Avin found a job at a local cafe and eventually made enough money to afford her own place.
Avin's journey only really begins when she was twenty three , living in a small three hundred square foot apartment, almost five years later. She couldn't afford to go to college after high school, which was her original plan, but she was flexible and made just enough money to survive as a young adult in Tallahassee. She was still close with Noel but they had started to drift around this time. Noel became a very successful engineer and Avin seemed like she just started living as an adult. She had practically the same routine every day, get up, get ready, go to work, leave work, go to sleep, and then repeat the next day. She still didn't have many friends except for Noel, but she really didn't mind, at least up until Tuesday. There was a sign that said "Hike and Paint Group (in need of new faces)! Hike and paint as a group every Sunday.". There was no way this was a real thing. She had Sunday's off work and it was a perfect way to meet new people in town.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2021 ⏰

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