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Wow nice nothing like nice hot chocolate on my beautiful clothes wow I wish I were perfect NOT like Lindsay :D. Anyway no school going to Kay's house walking in this nice afternoon breeze but it's so COLD! I can not believe that in Pennsylvania it's like 1 degrees out here I'm gonna get my scarf. Kay and I are doing a science project on how to stay healthy when you eat for example don't go eating burgers, fries and a large chocolate milkshake the size of an elephant. What YOU need to EAT for lunch is cauliflower with a side of broccoli and carrots a good veggie meal. I'd never personally do that I mean WHO WOULD :D. So I'm in the mood of Hamburgers right now so I'm going with Kay to get one. She said she wouldn't eat the veggie diet either really it's not tween food. Got to go I got lots on my mind.

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