the engagement

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Chapter 4 trip to New York
4 years passed and before u know it marinette was 21 but they didn't forget her birthday this year. Adrien knocks on marinettes apartment door, Marinette opens the door to adrien "hi bubs" "hii" adrien goes inside and is about to tell marinette about the new York trip for her birthday, " so mari its your birthday so we are taking you to Newyork!" "Omg omg you have always known that's where I've always wanted to Go!" A week later they got onto the plane and enjoyed the trip they went to the theme park water park pizza place ice cream parlour until they knew it there trip was done it was the last day and adrien has a big surprise fro marinette!
Chapter 5 the engagement
Adrien was going to purpose to marinette ontop of the status of liberty because marinette has always wanted to go there. Adrien sends a text to marinette to tell her to dress nice and go to the statue of liberty, marinette was really confused but just went with it. "Tiki" "yea mari" I wonder if I could maybe just maybe use my powers to get to the statue of liberty faster..?" "OK mari but only because I know why your going there" " omg thank you tiki!" So marinette goes to the statue of liberty and she saw adrien she walks up to him and hug him from behind, "hi babe" "hi princess" "so why are we here..?" "Well ill explain now". Adrien was a nervous wreck but he starts to say something "marinette you are the most beautiful kind amazing girl I've ever met when you got hurt from hawk-moth I was so worried you were going to die but you didn't and I was so thankful you never gave up on use when I went to kagami you still had hope that I was going to come back and I did so...*adrien gets on one knee and pulls out a diamond ring* Marinette Dupan-chieng will you Marry me?" Marinette was so shocked and she said" omg omg omg yes yes" adrien picks her up and spins her around and kisses her.

*adrien gets on one knee and pulls out a diamond ring* Marinette Dupan-chieng will you Marry me?" Marinette was so shocked and she said" omg omg omg yes yes" adrien picks her up and spins her around and kisses her

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