New Fundamental Theory of Latent Heat Capacity

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As the original theory proposed the matter can be divided until atom is the only thing left but the question remains is nucleus undivided?
Is matter truly things that occupy space and have weight
Supporting this theory is the incomplete theory of. three-dimensional space in which an inmate object is only existing as such in a state that only energy and matter is co-existing.
This theory is incomplete as such time is an anomaly or an unfixed variable.
The new latent heat theory proposes that three major ideals.
One the final temperature or lowest recorded temperature 'absolute zero' is false as the theory proposes that hydrogen needs to be in a state of solid in order to be absolute zero(state of matter alone). So the variables which is needed to be stated is hydrogen in the state of solid has the highest heat equilibrium potential as such the new state of the 'absolute zero' is near impossible but still possible.Two physical separation of atom nucleus is possible. Despite the many variables in the separation but the fundamental is still the same. The strong pull or attraction between atom is what made stable elements deemed to be inseparable by physical action. Supporting this theory is the hydrogen compression theory which proposes all elements originate from hydrogen. This discovery is important as it will lead new paths in agricultural, technical, industrial, and possibly turn us into a grade 2 civilisation. The last ideal involves human physiology regarding heat resilience or heat resistant.

Day 1:Test subject code name (001) or son of Adam has shown to have a healthy physique lungs in optimal position and no sign of injuries and sickness.

Routine check is continue with the base temperature starting from 30°C which had a curfew point or negotiation point every few hours.

Day 6: Homeostasis of test subject still functions and core body temperature is at an average 38.5°C. Subject shows symptoms of bleeding from irritation due to scraping.

Day 13: The average room temperature has risen above 35°C, humidity is now at 23%, and estimate oxygen level is less than 15%.
Subject 001 bleedings has stopped but symptoms of heavy breathing has started to occur. Subject has ceased to take a proper bath and meals.

Day 43: Subject symptoms of distress which had been shown for the last 29 days has stopped and change is observe in the subject's physique.
Final test had shown that the subject's homeostasis had increased greatly as the subject has the ability to withstand the environment of 73°C for up to 13 hours without water and other details are classified by case file.

To conclude the experiment: The greatest ability of a human is the ability to change.
The final ideal which is proposed is the idea that human physiology can change with the consideration factor of heat.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2021 ⏰

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