Part 6 : "Jenette's Debutante Party : Return Of Athanasia"

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Jenette Magrita. She has lived in the ruby palace when she was just 8 years old. She met Lily, who was close to her. Lily loves her like her own daughter. Lily always stayed with her. Everything starteed years ago, when jenette was introduced as the first princess of Obelia.

On Claude's birthday party. "Your Highness. Let me introduce you with your first daughter. Jenette De Alger Obelia." He represented Jenette. Jenette shyly bowed.

"Glory to the O-Obelia's Sun

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"Glory to the O-Obelia's Sun. My n-name i-is..-" before she could say anything more, Claude stared coldly at her. With looks full of hatred, and disgust. Jenette looked surprised.

 Jenette looked surprised

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"Humph. Who do you think you are? Get that thing out of here. Never show your stupid face here, ever." He said.
Jenette looked sad. "B-but...your..highness..i'm.."

Claude's cold stare scared her. Roger gave her a sign. She rised her head. Showed jer blue jewelled eyes. Many people whispered talking about her.

"SHUT UP!!" Claude screamed. The room was filled with silence. He walked towards Jenette. And pour his wine to her face. "You really have guts huh? Starting from today, you will live in the Ruby Palace." He smirked.

"Know your place. You are that wench's daughter. How Could I Forget?? That Your Mother Climbed on Anastacius's Bed And Do That Dirty Things There. What A Shameless Woman. Seems like you are the same with that b*tch."

He left the hall room, Leaving Jenette helplessly, humiliated after the confession. Jenette cried. Roger Alpheus stared coldly at her. "You Stupid. You are useless. Tomorrow, you do as his highness said. Never come back to my resident."

He left Jenette there, alone, not knowing what to do. She standed there like a statue. Her whole body trembled.
"D-Daddy...S-Sir..Alpheus..." She cried. Izekiel approched her. "I-Izekiel!!" She hugged him. "Jenette. From now on, you must be on your own. Tomorrow, all your things will be delivered to Ruby Palace."


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