1st Love: "Just Friends"

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Ok everyone time to buckle in cause this is gonna be a long one. Grab your popcorn and a drink cause we are about to get into the thick of it. Also let's ignore all spelling errors and grammar right now because its 4:30 in the morning right now and I need to write this before Flannel comes over cause I do not need to be writing all of this while Flannel is over here cause he is totally the type to ask my what I'm working on and I don't need to be telling him I'm writing the story of us cause that's just weird.

Anyway, I digress. So let me introduce you to Flannel (insert a little sigh and eyes with hearts in them oh yeah we've fallen deep folks). Anyway, I'm calling him flannel cause well he loves wearing flannel out in the winter thats his thing (yes he's a basic white boy I know). Anyway, I've heard of Flannel since my sophomore year of college. My best friend in college we will call her Blondie cause she has blonde hair. I know I'm so original. Blondie is amazing shes my best friend we are practically sisters. Her home is my second home her family is my second family it's amazing. Anyway, Blondie got a co-op (basically a recurring internship where you go back to work every other semester). When Blondie started working, she met a lot of coworkers one of them being Flannel. Blondie and Flannel got along quite well, and she always said he was the coworker she got along the best with.

He was nice to her and would drive her back to the dorms when it rained and when covid hit he held her stuff for her for a year until she could make it back to work. She used to worry that he had a crush on her cause he was so nice, but she realized that wasn't the case and he was just a sweet guy. Anyway, fast forward to the summer after my 3rd year of college I got an internship at the same company as Blondie and Flannel. Now they were on a completely different project from me and even in a different building but same company. Now on one of my first days at work my supervisors took me out to lunch and guess who was also having lunch at the same time. Blondie and all her coworkers.

We were shook to be running into each other so I went up to say hi. She ended up introducing me to all her coworkers and it was crazy to meet everyone in person after I had been hearing about them for over a year. Then she introduced me to Flannel (no he was not wearing flannel he was actually in khakis and a nice dress shirt). Now I don't remember this, but Flannel has recently reminded me that apparently once Blondie introduced us I said, "Oh wow your Flannel I've heard so much about you." Like I can't believe I said that oh my gosh.

Anyway, that was it with that interaction. Totally didn't really think about him again. Throughout the Summer, Blondie would invite him to several events I was hosting with one of the organizations I worked for and he would help us setup. We also invited him out to eat and come over to the apartment a couple times. At the same time, I would invite my fellow intern at the time we will call him Chikfila since he loves Chikfila. Flannel and Chikfila hit it off they kind of had to since they were the only guys in the group.

When school started (it's the beginning of my 4th year at college). Blondie told Flannel we were taking a class together and he could join as he also needed an electrical engineering elective. And so, he ended up taking the class with us. At first it was kind of weird to hang out with him and we very much needed Blondie to be there to communicate. When she left, we would just kind of sit there in silence. After our class together, Blondie and Flannel would walk me to my next class, and we would do some work (as I had a 2-hour gap). Then I would go to class, Blondie would go get dinner and Flannel would go back to his car and head to his apartment.

This continued for about 2 months then October hit and things changed in October. In October we had a 4-day long break and Blondie went home. I told Flannel I would be doing work and if he wanted, he could come over to the apartment. And he did every day during that whole break. He would be over from like 12 to 7. He would bring me coffee in the morning we would take breaks and walk to get lunch from a restaurant or walk to go get coffee. It was during these times he opened up to me. He told me things about him that I never knew, and that Blondie didn't know either. It was nice. From then on, we didn't need Blondie and became more comfortable with each other. After this weekend Blondie could tell something had changed and she was glad cause she didn't have to talk so much in order to get us to talk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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