1st Prank Against Me

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Freshmen year of high school is a terrifying and exciting time in life. I was excited to have more freedom and make it to another level of life. However I was also terrified. This is where mistakes started making impacts on my life. If I didn't do well in high school I wouldn't go to a good college. If I didn't go to a good college then I wouldn't get a good career. If I couldn't get a good career then I couldn't take care of myself and/or future family. All these thoughts ran in my head. However, these thoughts were very different from my peers.

In fact, at that moment the football team was devising a prank. One of the freshmen players was gonna ask who they thought was the ugliest girl in the school to homecoming. Then embarrass her in front of everyone. They decided that girl was gonna be me. They were going to do it during break a couple weeks before homecoming. They knew I would be waiting to get into my Biology classroom and if they did it doing break everyone would be in the hallway.

Luckily one of my friends heard about this in advance and warned me. I ended up staying away from the hallway and arriving to class right before the bell rang so they couldn't catch me.

At first I was really sad that they considered me the ugliest in my grade but then I decided to use this as motivation. In that moment I decided I didn't care what other people thought of me. I was brilliant and had an amazing personality. No one could take those away from me. I decided I would work and become the best version of myself. I would become successful and one day be the boss of those football players if they even deserved to work for me. 

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