[.Some random facts about Yinen 1/?.]

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-Yinen is referred to as a doll by quite a lot of people, which makes her really uncomfortable.

-Her natural hair and eye color are respectively dark brown and hot pink, her current appearance of white hair is due to the marie antoinette syndrome, while her red eye colour was caused by chemical reactions, related to her past before getting bought to the manor.

-She may seem defenseless and soft and uwu and easy bully target but, she's a prodigy in both her studies and fencing/swordfighting (which she learned for a certain someone).

-Her surname is Hart, which she doesn't tell anyone in the manor of.

-The Hart Family is a rich family that consists of only three members, also widely known for their beautiful doll-like only daughter who the mother tends to spoil. The family business specializes in both doll and sweet making, along with a small cafe business.

- Her father is usually not seen speaking outside of the house, causing rumors of him being mute to spread. But it is false as he does actually speak when needed, he just dislikes speaking.

-Yinen's mother is Malaysian, when her father is half-Greek and Japanese, which makes her 2/4 Malaysian, 1/4 Greek and 1/4 Japanese.

-Yinen usually speaks Chinese as her first language at home, English and Greek as her second while Japanese is her third.

-She learns faster from reading books instead of getting taught by a teacher, the languages she can speak now are Chinese, Greek, Japanese, English and some small portion of other languages.

-She had agoraphobia, a fear of crowds during her childhood. Which led her to having to get homeschooled one on one instead of going to school like a normal child.

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