[ Meeting ]

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  "Everyone, we have a new survivor joining us today, her name is Yinen. No bullying her, got it? Even the hunters, I will not take it lightly if you do so." Miss Nightingale introduced the short girl standing beside her, said girl's red eye scanning the room full of survivors before smiling at them.

  "Hi there, you're so cute!" Emma exclaimed hugging her tight. Yinen happily accepted the hug from her, hugging her back as equally tight.

  "But Miss Nightingale, isn't it dangerous for such a young one to join us? All of us here are already at least 18." Emily said worriedly, glancing back at the pair who were already talking together happily.

  "Oh you don't have to worry about that at all, dear. Yinen is already 19 years old, her appearance is rather different compared to a normal person her age because of some... issues during her life. I believe that you all will not mistreat her, right?"

  "We... I'll try to keep the toxic ones away from her."

  "Please, and thank you."


//Michiko and Yinen's meeting went like this, I love mama michiko uwu. Yes it's google translate.//

  "Hello there, dear. You are quite the young-looking one, aren't you?" Michiko greeted the girl, patting her head softly.

  "はい。 そして、あなたは私と日本語を話すことができます、美智子さん。私の名前はイーエン。" [ Yes. And you can just speak Japanese with me, Michiko-san. My name is Yinen. ]

  "まあ、これは嬉しい驚きです..。お会い出来て嬉しいです、イーエンさん。" [ Oh dear, this is a pleasant surprise... It's nice to meet you, Yinen-san. ]

  The geisha softly smiled at the girl, removing the fan that was covering her face.


//First Match//Team is Yinen, Baesop, Emma and Eli uwu/

  "Bleh, this is too hard, Emma!" She gave up on decoding the cipher after her 3rd failed calibration, which fortunately didn't attract the Photographer who was pursuing the Embalmer. "We're almost done with this one, I believe in you!" Emma cheered the girl on, while being careful to not fail any calibrations herself. "Oh! Aesop got caught, can I go rescue him instead? Please?" She pleaded, puppy eyes staring up at Emma. "Fine... Be careful then, don't get caught!" Emma gave in to the girl's request, as she completed the cipher and ran to a further one as the hunter and Aesop was quite near the one they just finished decoding. 

  "Got it!"


  "Hello... Hunter." She stood in front of the Photographer with her red eye faintly glowing as he got stunned, allowing Aesop to struggle out of his grip.

"We gotta go now~"

  Usually when another human who was alive touched him, he would have felt uncomfortable with it and immediately pull his hand back from their grip. But this time he didn't, why was it? Maybe it was because he could barely feel any warmth from her hand as she had worn gloves, or maybe it was because her touch felt so familiar and gentle like she was scared that he would break if she gripped any tighter. It made him felt at ease for the first time with someone who was alive, like how she had made him felt in the past.

  The sound of a photo getting took could be heard, meaning that the photo world was activated as she felt the hunter's gaze on them.

  "Stay here, I'll kite the hunter." She pushed him into a corner that couldn't easily be seen, then ran out to the open taking the Photographer's attention as he begun chasing her instead.


  "I finally found out where you are. Is Yinen kiting the hunter right now? Emma is worry sick about her, she even failed a lot more calibrations than usual." Eli mumbled bandaging the boy's wounds, carefully yet quickly. Aesop stayed quiet as he would usually do, not speaking a word.

'Yinen hit the hunter with a pallet.'

'Yinen is containing the hunter for 180 seconds.'

'Yinen has attained achievement: Terrain Master.'

'Yinen has attained achievement: Containing Master.'

  "Umm well it seems that she can handle herself well even though this is her first match... Haha..."


  And then, there was only silence as Eli continued healing Aesop.


  "There was only one cipher left, how could I have not notice...?!" Joseph almost fainted as he finally downed the girl, only for her borrowed time to take effect as they popped the last cipher.

  "Merde!" [ Damn it! ] He cursed, as he didn't bring trump card and had just used his blink to down the girl who was now up and moving again.

  The photographer stabbed his sword into the ground, already preparing to surrender until he noticed that the time for surrendering hasn't reached. He let out a frustrated sigh, ruffling his usually neat hair that was now messy after chasing the girl for so long.

  Closing his eyes, he leaned his head on his left hand that was resting on the hilt of his sword as his other tried to sooth the ache on his back.

  Until, he felt a soft petal-like texture on his cheek.

  "Je ne voulais pas te blesser autant, pardon." [ I didn't mean to hurt you so much, sorry. ]

  It would be a lie to say that he wasn't surprised to see the girl holding a yellow rose to his cheek, her doll-like eye looking at him worriedly.

  "Non non, ce n'était pas ta faute. J'ai aussi eu certaines erreurs." [ No, no, It isn't your fault. I had certain mistakes as well. ]

  The photographer took the yellow rose that the girl had put onto his hand, carefully avoiding the thorns.

  "This rose is beautiful, did you grow it yourself?"

  "Yup, they hold a special meaning to me. Someone I hold dear loves them, they represent friendship and caring..." She trailed off caressing the petals of another yellow rose, her red eye growing dark and glancing away unconsciously.

  Joseph took notice of the sudden change in her mood, and quickly changed the topic.

  "May I ask how exactly do your skills work, ma chérie? I would like to know you better for next time we get matched again."

  "Sure, I'll explain my skills to you!"


//smol easter egg//

  "Emma, when did you start planting yellow roses here?"

  "Oh! Those weren't planted by me, they're Yinen's and she even asked advice from me on how to take care of them! I wonder what she's growing them for?"

  "Yeah, I wonder too... To be honest, they kind of remind me of Mister Carl."

Entangled [ Yinen. Yiyuan Hart ]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt