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Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pals! This is Damien speaking.
(And I'm a burden!)
No Case...
There are a few things that we need to go over before you guys are set for reading.
(Thought that was gonna say set free and I was like kinky and we can let them out of the basement)

FIRST OFF: Please please please read the trigger warnings. There are going to be a lot of mature topics in each oneshot (mostly coming (cumming-) from Case, although sometimes it will be coming from me). I do not want you guys in the comments saying how "You don't like the content and we should write something different" or "that was very triggering why did you write it?" We are careful with exactly what we write, and make sure that triggers are there for your safety. HOWEVER if we happen to leave triggers out (very rarely, but it'll probably happen) please do tell us as nicely as possible, and we will fix it as soon as we see it.

(Yee- So are all the lectures done now?)
No Case, we have a lot more to cover
(Well I know but I mean like the lecture lectures. Like- the boring safety ones-)
(Urghhhhhh fine continue-)

Secondly: Please be mindful of the comments you post. Before you send it, think about how it might affect others. Make sure it won't be harmful to anyone.
(Basically, no hate towards any specific minorities, no hate targeted towards people in general, and if you're going to say something about a sensitive topic, either include TWs or just like- don't-)
(Did I get that right-)
About mi amor.
(NeaT- Ok so-)

I just want to clarify what (- pussy tastes like)
....not the time. I just want to clarify what Case means.
So no:
Homophobia (although I don't know why you would be reading this if you are a homophobe-)
And no hate to any religions
Or other fandoms
(Or any other isms that I can't think of because my brain is about the size of my nonexistent social life)
(Basically, just don't be a jerk)
No kink shaming either.
(There might be some rare exceptions but for the most part no-)
(Okkkkkkkk can we move on now-)
I believe so. Should anything else arise, I will have to cover it. But for now onto the more fun stuff.
(You sound so fancy- also kinky. "SHOULD ANYTHING ELSE ARISE-")
.... I want to blame Janus for my formality in this. I usually am not so... whats the word? Posh?
That would be incorrect
(Relax Logan-)

(So what was that fun stuff? Oh we should probably tell these gays who we are- probablyshouldvedonethatsooner-)
Precisely- Oh my fucking god Logan leave me alone-
(Hehe- Sooooooooo)

(I'm Case and stupid)
N o.
(Y u p. Now introduce yourself so I can be reekmus-)
Urgh. My name is Damian. I use he/they pronouns (preferably he) if you haven't seen the bio.
(Who reads those things anygays? Oh, and my pronouns are she/her)
True lol

As you will probably notice, at the beginning and end of each of the oneshots, there will be a little....roleplaying. Basically both me and Case here create something
(We create a r t -)
Be careful there, lovely, they may not know what art you speak of.... Oh go to hell Janus-
(Well I mean- most of them do end in sex so-)
It's Remus and Janus what do you expect
(It's fun :> Besides it's more content)
That it is.
So more often than not, it will be just me, case, Remus, and Janus. However, I might slip some of the other characters in just to make it a little more interesting.
(Hehe slip in- Dibs on virgin)
Knew you were gonna say that
(Are you saying I'm preDICKtable?)
We will format the text to look different for each of them, so here are what they will look like


(I play /Remus/, -Virgil- (if he ever does appear-) and obviously myself)
{I play Janus and ~Roman~, and myself} (duh-)
(And Logan and Patton we can just throw around-)
{That was the plan}

(Anygays, what else do we need to say? Uhh... Oh! Dee helps me edit my oneshots that I wrote and Vice versa)
{Sometimes we end up doing a joint effort to help one another during writer's block}
(Ohhh that- yeah. So like, one person will write a section that the other is struggling with and then that person goes over it to make it more their style. If that's the case it'll say: Written by Case and Damian)

{Other than that, I hope you guys have fun reading. Remember to stay safe (this is starting to sound like the Amoeba sisters outro-), have fun, be gay, do crime, and never stop being who you are}
(Eww sappy. Just go do arson and don't be a sap like this deek)
{I despise that word- and I am the simpiest person ever}
(Finally something we can agree on. Oh, here's a definition for all our dear readers.)

A person who has so little pp energy they have been established as a deek. A mixture of the words Dee and dick.)
(Off. And I try, thanks. Anygays, byeee)

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