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I wake up refreshed and ready to ignore Kuroo. I'm not going to talk to him at all and if I see him I'll pretend like he's a ghost. Then he will have to talk to me in public.
"Hey woman!" I hear Kuroos voice from behind me. I pull out my phone and go right to Instagram. I followed a bunch of hot dudes on Instagram last night and liked all their posts.
"Hey what are you looking at. Are you trying to make me angry kitty cat. You aren't allowed to look at any man other than me."
Heh. I got the reaction I wanted.
"Stop bullying her! Stay away from Y/N."
Thank god Oikawa is here.
"Hey! Why the fuck are you intervening. This is about me and my girl! Wanna fight I'll knock you down."
Oh no. Oikawa is going to get killed if Kuroo tries to fight him.
"Wait stop! Pls. Don't. He's just a friend!"
"That's what they all say. Move out of the way Y/N I gotta teach this man who thinks he's your BF."
"I don't think I'm her-" Oikawa can barely get a word before Kuroo throws a punch.
"Ow." Oikawa's face was red as a tomato from the hit.
"PLS STOP!" I yell again tears coming down my face.
I look towards them thinking that Oikawa would be on the floor with a bloody nose but no. It's Kuroo who is on the floor.
Kuroo is crying like a little baby on the floor.
"I literally tapped him on the shin with my foot lightly."
"Urgh. You stupid dumb fuck. You will pay for this and you."
Kuroo points at me, his face is seething with rage. He makes his exit by crawling on the floor to the Nurse.
"What just happened?" I turn towaards Oikawa
"I have no clue Y/N."
We didn't see Kuroo the whole day after that accident.
When I got home I kicked off my shoes and threw my backpack to the floor on my room.
"My head hurts so bad."
I flop back on my bed and grab my phone opening Snapchat.

Kuroo 1 hour ago

I forgot I added him as a friend. I tapped on his story.

All girls are the same. Never trusting girls again.

(Picture of his jawline)

Dhmu only the real ones know what pain I've been through 
3:45 pm

(A black picture with the time on it)

He clearly went through a lot today. I think I need to apologize to him.
"Kuroo?!" I grab my photo and open the message immediately.

Kuroo: Hey I just wanted to say. I didn't really like you at all. Like I actually just played with your feelings. You're such a whore it's disgusting and you should like die or smth.

Oh. Tears came down my face. Oh so he thought I was a loser.

Kuroo: hey I, I was just having a bad day. I didn't mean to say all that to you I actually have no idea why I said that in the first place. I think it may have something to do with what happened today when you ignored me for no reason at all. But like it's my fault like for making you ignore me. I guess I'll just die cuz I'm such a bad person. Sorry again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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