Chapter 56: Communication Malfunction

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Did I ever learn what they avenged? No, they just groaned and directed me into a helicopter. Oh, and no I didn't tell them that I did in fact have a cosmo stone in me. I figured that wasn't the best idea because as cautious as they were of me, I was equally cautious of myself. During the helicopter ride, they let me have my dinotector and other gear but they didn't uncuff me. So I listened to their conversations while we journeyed to our destination and answered whatever questions they had.

We arrived on a tall skyscraper that had a giant Avengers sign on it. It was definitely their base of operations, though I'm not sure that I expected it to be that flashy.

"You guys really aren't very secretive are you?" I asked rhetorically as I stepped out of the helicopter.

"No they aren't." Loki said while rubbing his eyes. He came over with the keys to the cuffs and unlocked them. But he kept a firm grip on my wrists.

I looked from his hands to his face and raised an eyebrow in confusion, "You wanna hold hands?"

Loki shook his head and rolled his eyes. He seemed semi amused though, "No. I just wanted to clarify that if you escape, we'll take it that you're the enemy and we'll detain you properly. So be on your best behavior.

"Consider that noted." I withdrew my hands from his grasp and Steve directed me towards my room and told me that training would happen within 2 hours.

I looked around the light blue painted room, it had white crowning along the corners and a bed with white linings in the middle against a wall. I let Majung into his chibi form and sat down on the bed. There were nightstands on either side and a dresser to the left of the door. I started tapping the buttons on my dinotector to call the Outlander but for some reason the calls never went through. I even tried my Earth's D-team and got a similar result. I frowned deeply and opened the dinotector to look through its internal workings. Back when I was on bed rest/confined to the Outlander, I watched the more scientific minds fix the dinotector and I had picked up on a few ways to fix basic problems or at least identify the problem. However, the seemed to be nothing wrong with the internal workings and everything else on the device was functioning as usual.

"Did that Stark guy do something?"

"I doubt it, Reese and the Ancients were adamant about putting a bunch of firewalls and protections into the device." Majung responded while dragging himself onto the bed.

"Yeah but I don't know what type of tech these people have access to and how smart they are." I turned and face planted into a pillow, "You think it's worth it to ask them to reverse it?"

"I don't think they would. Beside what if this universe doesn't have something that the other universes did that made the dinotector function."


"Perhaps the lack of Cosmo Stones? Or the lack of all of their presences?"

"Perhaps. Anyway, we should rest up before training."

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