Not feeling well

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Ashley's POV
I woke up today and wes wasn't next to me so I went downstairs and he left a note saying he went out for a run and would be back soon.
"What do you wanna do Zeus?" I asked the hyper puppy
"But first I have to go throw up" I said running to the bathroom
I felt someone lift my hair out of my face.
"Thanks wes" I said
"You doing ok?" Wes asked
"Wes do think I'm...hehe...ummm you know...pregnant?" I asked
"OMG! I think so maybe" wes said looking me dead in the eyes
"Would you go to the store for me?" I asked nervously
"Of course and I know what you need do you want anything else?" Wes asked grabbing his keys
"Ice cream!" I said
"Alrighty be back in ten" wes said kissing me and walking out the door
~20 min later~
"WES!!! Get in here!!" I yelled
"What's it say?" Wes asked running in
"Uh...positive!" I said smiling
"OMG we're having a baby! This is great!" Wes said picking me up and twirling me around
"I love you wesley" I said hugging and kissing him
"I love you both so much" wes said putting his hand on my flat stomach
"We love you too"I said

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