Blahhh day!

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Wesley's POV
I woke up and Ashley was still sleeping and I got out of bed to go to the bathroom and stubbed my toe and cussed a little and i must've woke her up
"Good morning" she said
"Morning" I said
"What are you doing?" She asked
"I stubbed my toe" I said
"Oh ok" she said laughing
"I have a family reunion next week..would you go?" Ashley asked
"Yeah I would where at?" I asked
"It's in West Virginia.." Ashley said with a nervous look on her face
"That's fine! We can fly out there" I said
"Really?!" Ashley asked with a smile coming on her face
"Yeah of course!"I said hugging her
"Good cuz I haven't told Drew yet and he loves going and I didn't want him to get too excited" Ashley said

Ashley's POV
"Hey drew" I said walking down stairs
"Hey lil sis" Drew said
"The family reunion is next week..." I said
"Oh boy!" Drew said
"We are flying out Thursday and it's Friday" I said
"Ok well I'm excited to go" Drew said
"Well looks like we are going for a trip next week" I said
"Wait where will we stay?" Wes asked
"In the lodge at black water falls" I said
"Why not moms?" Drew asked
"Cuz I'm going to surprise everyone and just show up there and so don't call or say anything" I said
"Oh cool" Drew said
~that night~
"I'm tired" I said yawning
"Then go to bed it's as easy as that" Drew said laughing
"I know that's where I'm going" I said getting up
"Good night guys" I said going upstairs
"Wait for me" wes said
"Goodnight beautiful" wes said
"Goodnight" I said cuddling into his side

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