f o u r t h y f o r k

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1st talk- of 2021

I made a lot of mistake in 2020 , and i was so regret 🙂 i deactivated my soul some reason , i was so obsessed with him . i would say i literally 😎 , idk either i really do like him or just he gave me a little bit of 😶attention😶 like- who doesnt fall for someone who gave em attention like they deserve it . am i right 💁🏻‍♂💁🏻‍♂💁🏻‍♂
A quick tmi
Im loyal asf 😀 so lets say i was too loyal on one and he did dirty to me , he did ghosting for 2 months and you guys know what? I was pissed of and straightly asked him why th he just left me on read eventho like I ASKED HIM SOME QUESTION AND ITS EITHER HE READ IT OR JUST LEAVE IT THERE . this audacity 🤮
My friends told me that im too nice and im too kind , i waited for the whole day for him to reply but he just left me on read so they asked me to just stop it right there .

Hon, im stubborn😎😎 ofc i wouldnt stop there , so right after he replied to my pissed off "text" , it seems he is dealing with stress 😶 so you know what i did?


next chapter pls 🙂

Oh btw

Trust nobody but the god , he know better than anyone he obviously telling you the truth by the way you would never expecting it

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