The office

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Liz's POV- Sitting in the office at the front desk a woman walks in. Her right eyebrow is almost in her hair line and the other one is perfectly normal. All I could was let out a small chuckle.
"Excuse me sorry to bother, I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson." she said looking at me like if I was crazy.
"Oh yes yes! Im so sorry." I said back still staring at her eyebrow.
"Name and appointment number please."
"Kristen McCabe. Appointment 345."she said back. "Marco!"  I yelled. He was on his phone as usual looking for new chairs and plants to fill the place up. "Sorry!" he said back, throwing his phone on the table and running down the hallway into the lobby. 'Im so sorry Mrs. McCabe" he said giving me the death eye. We got into the operation room.
"alright what seems to be the problem" he said. All I could do was laugh.
"huh? what!" he said looking at me not knowing what was going on with her eyebrows. She lifted up her eyebrows and when she did. All I could do was grab Marcos face and turn it so he would see.
"HOLY SHIT" he screamed.
"What?! Did I do something!?" she screamed.
"No you didn't ma'am, don't mind him." I said trying to cover up for him.
"alrighty then...ill have you back in 2 weeks i'm going to have to order a few things.
You're all set." he said looking at her one eyebrow. As we were leading her out. Eddie walked in. Marco wasn't that bad but I could just tell Eddie was going to say some stupid thing.
"Hey eyebrows" he said. Marco and I looked at each other and just chuckled very quietly. I told you. I have to admit though it was pretty funny. Kristen walked out like she was doing the walk of shame.
"EDDIE" I screamed. He ran over to the couch Marco sat down on.
"There's a partayy." "hot chicks" he added on.
"no' Marco said looking at him.
"pleaseeee" Eddie said throwing in the puppy eyes. "fine" Marco said. "When's the date?" Marco said looking at his phone and then back at Eddie.
"July 17th..." he said quietly "at 10pm"
"That's today asshole you could have at least to me ahead of time!" Marcos said getting all pissed off. Sometimes I liked it when he get pissed off he'd make all these noises and he'd squirm around.
"who's gonna watch the place well i'm gone?!" he said at Eddie all frustrated.
"I will" I said quite yes knowing whenever I offered to watch the place Marco would say no.
"Fine I guess so" he said walking to the back taking off his lab coat. He had on this white t-shirt and blue jeans. Perfect.

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