Meeting Lucy

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(you can play the video at the top for the music)

Marco POV

Me and Liz made a deal where I would let her off and still pay her whenever she wanted and I would let her keep all the clothes and shoes; but she had to let me borrow the kids whenever i needed. I met Lucy at this beautiful restaurant on the sea. I sat down across from Lucy. The part about "our" kids kinda slipped out when I was on the phone with Lucy. That's when she walked in...

Liz's POV

We made a deal i can take off whenever I want and he pays me and I get to keep all my purchases. He gets to use my kids whenever. I was getting out of the limo that Marco let me rent. I grabbed my white purse that matched my dress and shoes. I walked in there like I owned the place. Eyes were all on me.
I could here whispers all around me.
"T-that's her" a woman said that was sitting across from Marco.
"Y-yeah" he said rubbing his eyes looking shocked.
"Hellooo you two love birds" I said sitting down.
"Alfonso be a sweetheart and keep the car running I won't be that long!"
"So!" I said "you're Lucy! Beautiful name and girl!"
I said trying to be nice even though I felt like a complete goddess.
We all talked for a bit and that's when she asked.
"So you cheated on him and then he cheated on you and now your getting divorced?!" Lucy said.
"yep pretty much!" we both said.
We talked and drank pretty much the whole night.
We all walked out eyes still on me. I got out at about 7pm and arrived at 1pm. I felt a bit bad for leaving Alfonso out there for so long. As we were standing outside waiting for Alfonso to pull up my phone rang. It was the kids.
"yes alright...alright...NO...MARY NO BURNING YOU BROTHERS STUFF" I hung up on them knowing I had to say goodbye and get home.
"was that your kids?" Lucy asked
Alfonso pulled up.
"Yes" I said about to open the door. Marco opened it for me.
"Can i meet them?" she asked
So many questions.
"Uh yeah sure tomorrow noon Bounce Park. Cya" I said getting in the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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