Chapter # 29

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Amelia's P.O.V

I began stirring back into reality in the early morning, I groaned from the pain growing in my abdomen. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, trying to force myself back to sleep.

"Amelia?" A familiar cockney accent asked, I opened my eyes alarmingly quick. The florescent lighting made it hard for me to ajust to, but I did. I was in a white, labryinth room, laying on a bed, a needle sticking out of my wrist.

"Amelia!" I looked up to see a dark haired boy with beautiful chocolate brown eyes that danced with life looking down on me, it was Zayn.

"Hmmmm." I mumbled, trying to stop my vision from blurring.

"Oh My God! It's so good to hear your voice again." He laughed pushing the hair out of my face. I smiled weakly.

"W-Where am I? What happened?" I stammered, my voice sounded strange, ragged and worn.

"Well your in the hospital, you got into a car crash." He explained softly. The memory flooded back into my mind, I was with Genevieve and then...

"Where's Genevieve?" I asked. He gulped.

"She's here... But you should get some sleep." He said.

"Please." I asked in a pleading tone. He sighed caving in.

"I'll go get her." He says standing up, he kisses my forehead gently, I missed his touch, I wonder how long I was out for.

I stared at the clipboard on the sidetable, I could only make out some words. "Trauma" "Unstable"

"Amelia?" I heard Genevieve say in a hopeful voice, I looked up and her, she looked nervous.

"Hey." I smiled, and motioned for her to come over.

"How do you feel?" She asked, sitting on the end of the bed.

"My chest hurts." I said as the bones in my upper stomach ached.

"Well you broke your ribs, so I'd imagine they would." She laughed. I stared at my stomach blankly.

"Why did you do it?" I asked her quietly. She looked at me confused.

"Do what?" She asked.

"Push me in front of the car?" I asked recalling the event. Her eyes widened and she was about to protest but she stopped herself, as if remembering she wasn't suposed to.

"Are you hungry?" She asked smiling fakely, I began to get angry.

"No, but why did you push me infront of that car?" I asked again, she sighed.

"Amelia, you should get some sleep." Now I was getting furious, why was she avoiding the question? She's responsible for me being in here, she could at least tell me why she tried to kill me.

"Where's my parents?" I asked. Her faced drained of all colour.

"Get some sleep Amelia, we will explain later." She pushed me into the pillow, turned off the light and left. I huffed, scooched around into a comfortable position with my sore abdomen and shut my eyes, sleep came over me quickly.

* * * * * * *

It's been a week since I've woken up, and today I'm aloud to go. I'm not aloud to be alone though, appairantly I had a concussion that triggered some memory loss, but I remember everything just fine, don't I? Anyway, I'm staying with Zayn and the other boys at their place. I began placing items in my bag, since I had been staying here for a week, Zayn brought some clothes, my phone, some books to keep me company. Visiting hours were only so long, but Zayn was here for as long as they'd let him. Genevieve had to take care of her daughter, so she was here sometimes. I was still upset with her, but I didn't have any opportunities to ask her about the incident. It seems everyone's trying to avoid us confront one another.

I placed my clothing in the bags and Zayn helped me. I looked up at him, he had dark circles under his eyes and I frowned.

"Get some sleep tonight. You here?" I said bluntly, he looked at me surprised.

"Yeah, okay." He said, placing my copy of Blue Castle in my bag. Liam walked in, he's been visiting me almost everyday too. I smiled at him, and he waved.

"Zayn...erm. Can I talk to you?" Liam asked giving Zayn a look. Zayn nodded.

"I'll be right back." He said, I nodded. I finished backing my bags, the door was closed but I could hear soft voices from the other side. I tiptoed over and pressed my ear to the side.

"She's going to figure out eventually that you found out her brother was killed before she did!" Liam whisper shouted.

"Yeah, Zayn, when are you going to give her the letter?" Genevieve asked, so she was here.

"I don't know, I knew I shouldn't have opened that letter, but I was curious. How was I supposed to know that would be her brothers death letter?" He asked. My brother...

Now the memories really came rushing back. My parents were dead, they were shot and killed. My brother was joining the army, that's why I left Angers. They kept saying dead, and death. My brother was dead?

He's dead.

I bursted open the door, rage squeezed my heart, making my blood boil.

The all stumbled back, shocked.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I hissed, Zayn's eyes went wide.

"I-I, erm...." He stammered.

"Give me the letter." I said softer but sternly. He pulled out a crumpled envelope, handed it to me  shaking.

I skimmed it over 3 or 4 times, I knew he wouldn't make it. I knew it. The weird part was, the envelope was already opened. "I knew I shouldn't have opened that letter." Zayn's words echoed around my mind.

"How could you?" I whispered, feeling tears rush into my eyes. He looked at me with a pleading tone.

"Amelia-" But I didn't want to hear it. I began running out of the building as the tears streamed down my face.

"Amelia wait!" Zayn called behind me. I rounded a corner, and started running down a empty road. I felt a strong grip on my shoulder turn me around.

"What?!" I screamed in his face. He had a broken, pleading look in his eyes, but I didn't care, I was furious.

"I know I shouldn't have-" He tried to explain but I cut him off.

"That letter was for my eyes only. My brother's dead for Christ's sake! You knew that letter was personal. why? Why did you do it?" I was now gasping for breath from sobbing.

"I don't know." He said, an ashamed expression filled his face.

"Well you better figure it out because I'm done." I said, he looked up with a now horrified expression.

"I'm done with us... with everything." I turned and walked away. He didn't stop me, he knew I meant finality.

Me and Zayn were over.

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