Chapter # 3

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During my slumber, I dream of my parents, first there walking down the alley I was in last night. Next thing I see is the three men pelting them, bloody and bruised, they beg for me to stop there further endorsement. But I'm un able to reach them, the three murderer's block my grasp. As I hear one final cry of pain escape there lips, I see them, laying in a pool of blood, faces drained of colour, helpless and lifeless. I jolt awake, sweaty and panicked, as I come to my sences, I realize it was only a dream. I check the clock, 10:00 am, It's officially Saturday, my favourite day of the week. I stretch out my body, realizing how cold It is, a shiver slids down threw my spine. I get up, slip on a pair of skinny jeans and a plain black tank top, tipical me.

I walk into my living area, I'm astonished to look out the window and find a blizard so thick, I can't see a single thing. Oh well, guess I won't be going anywhere today. "Morning Amelia" I hear a drowsy male voice call. I'm startled by his presence, then I recall what had happened the night before, I tremble thinking of my nightmare. "Oh, it's you, hi Zayn" I say shyly. He smiles at me, God I'm so nervous, I won't allow myself to say something idoitic, for it will only make things uncomfortable for the both of us. "So, I guess I'll be here with you until the blizard ends? He asks, well, it's not the worst situation. "Y-Yes, I think so, shouldn't you call your manager? So they know where you are" I say curiously. He nods and walks into the other room, I go straight to the heater and turn it up a lot higher than usual, but what can I say? England has bitter winters.

"Ok Amelia, wheres the kettel?" I mumble to myself, I dig around in my kichen cabnets until I find it. I plug it in briskly and hum a lullaby my mother used to sing to me when I awaked from a nightmare as a child. Jolly Sailor Bold, it's quite a heavy song for a child to hear, but I didn't quite understand the lyrics then. I pull two tea cups from my cubbard and fill them with the black burning liquid. I clasp the mug between hands, entwining my fingers around the handle, the heat leaches into my chilled skin, it feels nice. "My manager said to hold out until the storm decendes" Zayn says, I completely forgot about him, but I remembered his tea mug oddly. "Oh alright, who did you say you were staying with?" I ask, pouring milk into my tea cup. "I just told her I was with a friend" he says. I can't even imagine, being friends with Zayn, it would be incredible. Were not friends, I just met him last night by force, so were more like aqaintences.

I fix him a tea cup, we drink in silence for a bit. Zayn's quiet, like myself, I've never been a "people person". I normally stick to being by myself in school, I have a few good friends, but I normally focused on school, and tried to avoid drama. "So, tell me about yourself" Zayn says breaking the silence. "Oh, well Um theres a lot to say" I giggle, he smiles. "Alright, let's play a game, I ask you a catagory of questions, you answer" he says slyly. I nod and he begins. "Alright Amelia, what is your fears?" He questioned. "Well, I have a fear of clowns, I'm quite clostriphobic, and losing ones I love" I say, just thinking of all three things makes me shiver. "Alright, who's your favourite bands? Besides One Direction of course" He says with a wink, I snicker. " Of course" I say rolling my eyes. "In all seriousness, It would be, Coldplay, Florence and The Machine, One Republic, The Fray, and I kinda like Justin Bieber, Well his music anyway" I state. "Huh, good bands especially J.B" He says sarcasticaly, I chuckle, not only is Zayn super attractive but he also has a great sence of humor, which I love in guys. "Ok, Um have you ever had a boyfriend?" He asks questioningly.

I'm oddly suprised by his question, but who asks that sort of thing, especially when the two people are just aqaintences? I have actually had a boyfriend, but he dumped me after my parents death because I was too "Depressed" for him. I haven't dated since. "W-Well I have had one, but he dumped me" I murmur. "Oh" Is all he replies. "So tell me Amelia, why is it your here all alone, not living with your parents I mean?" He asks, Oh how I hated that question, or anything related to the death of my parents, for it only brought wretched memories surfacing into my mind, I always feel horrible after telling someone because I can tell they feel awful for asking, Zayn's a super nice guy, I don't want to make him feel bad, so How am I going to tell him?

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