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DISCLAIMER: This occurred in between Age of Ultron and Infinity War. Some events may not be exact, but this story is written for the plot, not accuracy. In this story, the legal age of consent is 16 and Peter Parker is also 16 along with Hannah.

Hannah is the product of a one-night stand between a reporter and Tony Stark. The reporter left Hannah with Tony when she was born. Tony, Pepper, and happy raised her together. Hannah watched as Tony and Pepper fell in love. 

Hannah was kidnapped by Hydra while staying at a hotel in France. A year later, Wanda and Pietro entered Hydra and were staying in the same ward as Hannah. The group ended up growing close and developing a way of life. While being held by Hydra, Hannah developed powers such as mind-reading and controlling energy. Three years later, the Maximoff twins were able to escape Hydra and unfortunately left Hannah behind. Hannah kept tabs on Tony and hopes of escaping sometime soon.

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