Chapter 1- Operation Young Stark

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The lights are flashing. The dim light in my room signals that an attack is happening. I assume that it is just a drill and crawl underneath my bed. The cold cement floor touches the back of my neck as I rest. It's kind of nice to feel this calm instead of being in fear of the guards.

For most people, lockdown drills are scary things that make them think of the worst things that could happen to them. But for me, an intruder would be a dream. Because an intruder would be a godsend since they would rescue me from Hydra. I was kidnapped when I was 11, so I know that Hydra is bad and that my dad, Tony Stark, has to be trying to save me, or is he?

My dad always loved me but sometimes his work would come first he would often spend days downstairs, in the workshop, and I would only see him when he would go to talk to mom. I know that he cares about me, but does he care enough to rescue me from some of the most dangerous people in the world.

Since I was imprisoned in a Hydra camp, I have been tested on. I've been injected with numerous serums and tested in every possible way. Most of the time the tests would fail, and I would be locked up for a month before having human contact besides the guards. It's a vicious cycle that I've lived for 5 years.

However, two experiments did work. The first gave me the power to control energies and other things. I can collect a ball of electricity and throw it at a person need be. The other gives me mind-reading powers. You would think that I would enjoy this, but it is actually torture. I would describe the powers as similar to Edward Cullen's powers in Twilight. I can never stop hearing people's thoughts.

My usual stream of thoughts is interrupted by a security monitor thinking, Oh no they got in. I have to leave.  Who got in? This never happens we have randomized drills but only one break-in. In the last break-in, Wanda and Pietro were able to escape. I was not so lucky. I shimmy out from under my bed and get by the door. The guards sprint down the halls towards the exits that let out into the main control room.

This is it. I'm going to be saved. The lights suddenly shut off, and I adjust to the dark. I hear heavy footsteps stomp down the hall. The man thinks I wonder if anybody is in this hallway. Maybe I'll find a serum in one of the rooms. I focus on the person's thoughts. The dude makes some sort of clinking sound as he takes each step. I start to bang on the door and throw everything in my cell, which isn't much, at the door in some attempt to catch the person's attention. As the bed hits the door, I stop and listen. The guy has stopped maybe he hears me.
His steps move closer, and he thinks, what the hell is that? I  hold still as he says over a walk talkie, "Hey Stark there is somebody in this hallway." Stark! I honestly wasn't expecting this to be my dad. When I was captured, my dad was working by himself. Did he make more suits? Does he have partners?

I continue to bang on the door. The guy thinks, I really thought we missed everybody last time we were here. We just came to get leftover supplies. So my dad was here last time? This is very confusing. As I wait for my dad, I start to pick apart the man's thoughts. 

The man is very strong on the outside. Puts out a leader persona and is very in the moment. But on the inside, he's sensitive and anxiety-prone. He rethinks the events that happened beforehand calculates what he could have done better. A woman called Nat is on his mind, and he keeps wondering if she's pursuing her mission correctly. His inner voice is also very proper, like he's from a different time.

A few people sprint down the hall. A confident woman stands next to a cocky man with two others following behind. Wanda is in the back. I feel excited knowing I get to see her again. The man in the front yells, "We have to bust the door open!"

Wanda replies," It's his daughter in there. Get out of the way cap we're sending in an explosive." I crouch in the back of the room frantically reading my dad's mind, overwhelmed with emotion. Boom! The wall breaks down. Debris covers the room and some specks from the metal stick to my face. I'm barefoot, so I stick to the back of the room.

Dad comes sprinting in. He hugs me in his metal suit. I fall into his arms, taken aback by the fact that I have been rescued. We both drop silent tears as we feel a sense of family that's been missing for five years. He tearfully, but sarcastically, laughed, "How ya been kid."

I give him a snarky reply, "You haven't seen me for five years and that's the first thing you say to me?"

He fires back, "Well what did you want me to say?"

I reply, "how's the weather here?"

Dad muttered, "You haven't changed a bit."

One of his robots brings me a blanket which I graciously accept. I honestly blocked out everybody's thoughts since I was so overwhelmed by my own. I'm wondering who all the other people are, where's mom, and I can't comprehend the fact that I will be able to live a semi-normal life.

My dad carries me to the stark aircraft and sets me down on a couch. He refuses the medical examinations so that can talk to Wanda and calm myself down after the past events. "How were things after Pietro and I left?"

"The rules got stricter and the Hydra scientists performed more experiments on me in an attempt to save the base, but I got through it." I sigh and look down, reliving the past events of the year.

"Well, you're really going to like the base. I met a guy there, Vision." She smiles when she says his name, it seems like she has a real connection to him.

"I like the name. Where's Pietro?" Her face falls, something is wrong. She is thinking of childhood memories, blocking me from her actual thoughts. Did they get into a fight, she used to distract herself this way when we were in the base. I assume that he's on a mission or something of the sort. Wanda changes the subject, "You're going to have so much fun once you're out of rehabilitation."

"Rehabilitation? Nobody told me about that." I start to hyperventilate. How am I going to be able to go to rehab? I will have to be away from my family and friends. What if they think of me differently? I can't do this. Just then, dad comes rushing into the room. 

"Hey kid, what happened?" I try to speak but nothing comes out.

"I just mentioned rehab and she started panicking." Wanda replied.

"She was rescued an hour ago and you already spring rehab on her? Leave so that she can calm down." I start to catch my breath and rest for the rest of the plane ride. 

We land at a large building that I assume is the compound dad was telling me about. The rest of the people that rescued get off of the plane and head towards the building. As I slowly hobble down the stairs, I spot mom and Happy tearfully waiting for me. Mom rushes up the stairs and gives me a very tight hug. She says, "I cannot believe they found you. I've missed you so much. How are you?"

I reply, "Never better actually. I'm so happy I'm here. Do you think I could get a cheeseburger?"

"Ugh, you are just like your father." I continue down the stairs and meet Happy on the ground. 

"I'm so happy to see you kid. This place hasn't been the same without you."

I reply, "I missed you so much Happy." Happy gives me one of the best hugs I have ever had. 

"Did you get her checked out by medical yet?" Mom asks.

"Well, I figured she'd be fine until we got back."

"You figured? She's been held captive by people we don't know for five years being given who knows what and you decide that it's fine to wait for medical?"

"Yes, that was my exact thought process. I was also going to give her rat poison just to see if she could withstand it." Dad sarcastically replies.

"I can't stand you, Tony." Mom radios to medical to bring out a stretcher so that they can examine me. Dad asks Happy to run to Burger King to get me an American cheeseburger. Meanwhile, I'm trying to decide what to tell them about my powers. They will obviously find out about the energy control, but should I tell them about the mind reading? Will they think of me differently if they find out?

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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