Chapter Thirteen

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"This is the best food I've ever eaten." Jake groans as he takes another bite

Lexa smirks and looks towards her wife

"Not that the bar was very high." Kane chuckles

They all enjoyed breakfast together before deciding to head to the dropship. Since they didn't have enough horses, it was decided that Lexa's people would go retrieve the kids. Some of the adults didn't like the idea of that though.

"They're our kids. We should go get them." One argued

Lexa held up a hand to keep her people from snapping back at them

"While I understand your need to be reunited with your loved ones, it is faster and safer if my people go. None of you know how to ride horses and I doubt any of you could wield a sword," Lexa says

"Why do we need swords when we have bullets?" The man scoffed

"Bullets run out. Tell me, who will save you when you undoubtedly run out of ammunition if rebels attack or worse reapers." Lexa says as she takes a sip from her cup

"Well, I'm coming with you." The man says

"No. you are not." Lexa states sternly

The man glares "Who decided you are in charge." He says crossing his arms

Lexa stands from the table and closes the distance to the man. He gets up in her face. Even though he towers over her, she showed zero fear in the sky person.

"The next words you speak will be your last. This is not a debate. You are staying even if I have to tie you to a tree myself." She seethes

He glares at her

She goes to turn around but he grabs her wrist "I'm not done talking to you!" He yells

All her warriors unsheath their swords. Lexa quickly spins him around and slams his face into the table. Gasps were heard all around from the sky people. Lexa leaned down into his ear and said lowly.

"I've killed men twice your size when I was no older than that boy there and I didn't need a sword to do it. You see, I am the weapon." Lexa says

"Heda," Clarke says tentatively

The man's eyes went wide at the commander's words

"Leska beja." (lexa please) Clarke says

"All I've ever known is death and war. You do not stand a chance. Do not test my patience again." She says as she releases him and turns on her heels

Anya and Clarke share a look

"Time kom bants." (Time to leave) Lexa snaps

Her warriors move quickly. Indra was going to take Becca back to Tondc with her. Lexa and Clarke planned on going back to the village after they collected the delinquents. They all mounted their horses and set off. Clarke kicked her horse forward to be side by side with her wife.

"was bilaik necessary?" (was that necessary) She asked

"How else would yu don me kom handle emo chon openly challenge ai word hodnes? ai cannot appear kom be kwel en ai cannot allow em kom do chit id kill others gon doing." (How else would you have me to handle those who openly challenge my word love? I cannot appear to be weak and I cannot allow them to do what id kill others for doing.) Lexa says

Clarke sighs. She knows her wife is right. She hates how right she always is. Sometimes she wishes she wasn't the commander. Just her Lexa. She remembers the first time she saw that soft side of the notorious cold and ruthless commander. It was at a festival they held in Polis to commemorate stability within the clans. They always threw celebrations for something. Always an excuse to eat a lot of food and get drunk.

When the sky meets the ground: A clexa storyWhere stories live. Discover now