Chapter Thirty Six (The Finale Part 1)

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Groups of men and women were assembled into the rovers strategically with Indra's close attention to detail. Lexa glanced at Clarke for a moment, before giving a nod for her guards to provide them a moment of privacy. 

"Lexa." Clarke said shaking her head finding herself unable to put her concern into words 

She felt as though she just got her wife back and here they are being thrusted back into war and chaos. 

"Clarke," Lexa replied in a clipped tone 

Blue eyes looked over her wife's face. She had a hard time accepting how many years have passed. Though Lexa aged like the finest of Polis's wines, she was no doubt older. Her features even more prominent. She watched as Lexa's mixture of braids and curls blew with the slight wind. Clarke's hand reached out and Lexa pulled back out of instinct. Clarke's face dropped for a moment before she continued with her objective. Lexa stilled but was clearly on edge. 

"You think i'd harm you?" Clarke asked quietly as she brushed the brunettes hair out of the way

"I know not of your intentions Clarke. You've always been a wild card. So unpredictable and right now I cannot take any chances should you decide to overthrow me for a second time," Lexa said

"I will not apologize again. I needed you safe," Clarke said 

"You don't get to make those kind of decisions for me. I am the commander, YOUR commander Clarke," Lexa said before letting out a puff of air in annoyance

"There's too much of uncertainty with this new threat," Clarke said changing the subject

"I know," Lexa replied

"What if they don't want peace... Becca has never been in a war. Our people are not ready for war. Hell, i'm not ready for a war... Lexa, I haven't picked up a sword in-" Clarke began to say before the brunette surprisingly took her wife's hands into her own 

"We have strength in numbers. If we must fight, we would surely suffer loss but we would win. Becca will be safe with me. I swear it ai houmon (my wife). Just as you will be safe here with Ella. I am not asking you to fight Clarke, but I am asking you to stay put for once in your life. To just obey my command," Lexa said looking back and forth into blue eyes pleading for her wife to just cooperate  

"You don't know that we would win. You're walking in there practically blind. I don't like this," Clarke said 

"Heda!" Titus called out 

Lexa gave a faint smile to her wife before looking over towards the rovers "One of these days you will learn not to question your commander sky girl." she said as she nudged her wife's shoulder with her own with a slight playful hint to it

Clarke locked eyes with vibrant green and when she went to open her mouth, the distant sound of bickering broke through whatever moment there could have been between the two. 

"You can't come with us, stop asking!" Becca snapped 

"Why not?" Ella huffed crossing her arms

"Because," Becca grunted in annoyance 

"Because why?" Ella questioned 

"Can you even use a sword?" Becca sneered 

"Nomon said I don't have to use a sword to make an.... to um... I don't remember how to say the word," Ella admitted as her brows furrowed trying to think 

"Why don't you go run and play princess's with the other babies," Becca said waving her hand behind her as she kept walking 

"I'm not a baby and I don't want to play princesses, I want to go with Nomon," Ella said as she tried to keep up

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