Chapter 31

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After dinner Remus went to lay down, and I stayed up with Sirius. "I heard some of you guys were saying earlier." I admitted. He sighed, "can you tell me about how you're feeling, honestly Clara." I nodded, "I'm grateful to have a break from Hogwarts. I felt truthfully just betrayed there, people who I assumed were my good friends stopped talking to me, even Harry accused me of working with you. Right now I feel so hurt, and angry, at my parents, my sister, the ministry, Snape, everyone and everything I guess."

Sirius gave me small smile, "everything's going to be alright here, Remus cares about you a lot, as do I." I thanked him, "I heard Remus say I wasn't going to be alright, but I think I will be. Until then I'll just lie to everyone else." Sirius nodded, "I think Remus might be right, that's a lot for one person." I shrugged, "no one ever said I was handling it well. I broke down twice, both times with Remus. I screamed at Snape, went to Azkaban, stopped talking to my friends. I was a mess." Sirius sighed, "it's going to get better."

"You should sleep in the bed," I suggested laying down on Remus' couch. Sirius stood up, "I'm fine with the couch." I shook my head, "no you deserve a nice mattress for once, goodnight Sirius." He smiled, "thank you Clara."

I lay back on the couch staring up at the ceiling, I shot up when I heard an owl tapping at the window. I quietly opened it grabbing a handful of letters. "Thanks," I whispered to the owl.

I turned on the lamp sitting back down on the couch, I opened the first one squinting to see the words.

Dear Clara,
I miss you loads, and I'm so happy you're safe. Mum said Lupin wrote to her, that you would spend a few nights here each month. I also just finished speaking with dad, he wanted to invite you to attend the World Cup with us. Cedric and his father will be joining us as well, I think it will be fun. Write back when you have an answer.
-love you,

I then opened the next letter, staring down at it confused. It had a sketch of some sort of graveyard, I flipped it around staring at the back, it was marked
-love daddy

I bit my lip, confused as to what the hell this meant. I spent the rest of the night thinking about what that graveyard meant. When light started to creep through the window I sat up deciding there wouldn't be any point in sleeping now.

When Sirius and Remus eventually woke up they both sat in the living room with me. "Are you feeling alright?" Remus asked feeling my forehead. I nodded, "I'm fine, just slept weird." Sirius grabbed the letter and i immediately knew he had the graveyard one. "What the hell is this?" I sighed, "turn it around."

I watched as he flipped it handing it to Remus. "You weren't planning on telling us this?" I shrugged, "I didn't think it was important." Remus shook his head, "you wouldn't be losing sleep if you didn't find it important." Sirius nudged me, "you can't keep secrets." I nodded, "I know." Remus sighed, "good, go to your room try and get some sleep."

I hesitantly stood up, it felt weird getting punished, especially by Remus who let me get away with almost everything this past year. I lay down on my bed staring up at the ceiling.

I heard a knock and I saw Remus and Sirius both standing there. "Are you hungry, I made lunch?" I rolled my eyes, "am I allowed out of my room now?" Sirius scoffed, "not with that attitude." Remus smiled, "come on."

I sat down with them at the table. "For the record no one was making you stay in your room, we told you to get some sleep." I nodded eating my soup, "it was very reflective." Remus raised his eyebrow, "I bet it was." Sirius smiled, "when did you get all this attitude?" I tried to hold my smile back but it was a fight. "Can we talk to you about that letter?" Remus asked. Sirius placed it in front of me, "what does this mean?" I shrugged, "I don't know." Remus nodded, "you have no idea what this could mean?" I pushed my bowl in front of me, "well if you'd like my honest opinion, it seems like a death threat. Why else would he send me a picture of a graveyard?" When neither of them answered, I got up walking outside for some air.

They call me a criminalOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant