Hey! Hey! Hey!!!

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You strode through the halls of Fukrodani Acadamy once again with your head held high and a book nestled in the crook of your arm.  There was sunlight pouring through the windows of the now full hallways and the roar of students was almost deafening. People were always hyped up on the first day of a new year.

You walked alone to your 3rd-year classroom. This was your final year here, and while most people your age were hell-bent on making memories with their friends you were more concerned with the heavy novel in your arms. The protagonist of which awaited you in a faraway land much more interesting than yours. Sometimes your teachers found it strange that a beautiful young woman your age found more comfort and solace in words than in the very eager teenagers around you.

It wasn't like you didn't like people or were a bad person. It was just that you didn't have friends here. People would approach you but never would 'click'. Having someone to share your innermost thoughts and feelings with or even do the most trivial things like watching a movie with was a luxury, one that you were aware that you did not have at the moment.

Straightening your posture, you entered the classroom. Several pairs of eyes latched onto you and silence erupted as you walked over to your seat. The last bench by the window. It was a cliche but tasteful one. Sunlight fell over your hair and it shone beautifully. To the people around, they thought that an angel had graced them by her presence. Your skin seemed to glow and your eyes seemed to shine with profound emotion as they poured hungrily over the words on the pages of the book you were reading. Elegance and poise radiated from you as a small smile made its way to your face. You were well aware of the glances people were taking but chose to immerse yourself in the alternate setting of the story that you were reading. 

A few minutes later you completely lost track of where and who you were. You were too focused on the story in front of you to realize a group of girls was standing close to your table, hesitant to reach out and speak to you. Yukie Shirofuku, a girl with pinkish-brown hair and a manager of the volleyball team had a chocolate bar in her mouth was among them especially twitchy. She could see that you had another bar of chocolate hanging out of your skirt pocket. It was one of her favorite brands. Her eyes could burn a hole in the fabric if they had the power to. 

You finished the chapter you were reading and looked up to meet her brown eyes which were still glued to the chocolate bar. Laughing to yourself internally, you took it out of your pocket and offered it to her, "Here." 

You handed it to her and her eyes sparkled with joy. "Thank you very much, (l/n)-san!"

A hint of sadness crept up inside you as you were reminded of your loneliness that would commence as soon as the teacher would enter and make you close your book. You decided to smile and take a leap of faith, "No one calls me that, please call me (Y/n) and I always have something sweet if you want it." 

A giant smile made a way to her face, "Really? Then you can call me by my first name too...on second thought it's kind of long so you can call me Shiro like my other friends do!" Yukie was excited beyond measure since she had been dying to speak to you from her first year here. Everyone had. You were kind, attractive, had good grades, and had an aura about you that made you desirable and unapproachable at the same time. 

In response, you just smiled back at her and tried to keep the conversation going, "So I see you like sweets very much."

She vigorously nodded her head, "I love food sooo muchhhhh!" Her loud proclamation made you smile and she continued to go on a rant about the foods she absolutely adored. 

You listened carefully to every word and laughed heartily when she started ranting about her dream in which she ate an entire mountain that looked like a giant onigiri...surprisingly which had a pickled plum filling. She mentioned having a phantom food coma when she woke up as well.

The sound of your laugh drew the attention of everyone in the room. It was musical and bounced off the walls of the classroom. A certain owl-like boy picked up on it especially fast. He walked over, his golden eyes shining and his spiky black and white hair making him look even more like the bird, "HEY! HEY! HEY!! Yukkipie made the pretty girl who always has her nose in a book laugh!"His voice boomed over yours and a slight blush colored your cheeks after so blatantly being called pretty by him. But you weren't going to back down.

"Hello there,  energetic boy who always has a volleyball." You smiled at him.

"Hi, I'm Bokuto Koutaro, (L/n)-san." He smiled back.

"It seems you already know me so call me (Y/n), captain. And to be honest, so do I. You're one of the top 5 volleyball aces right?"'

He practically radiated with pride, "Yes! How did you know?"

You giggled at his now puppy-like expression, "I do my reading."

Just when he was about to open his mouth again the teacher enters, with an apologetic smile, Yukie waves to you and takes a seat next to her friend Kaori who was another manager for the volleyball team. 

You sigh, loneliness again it was. In a rare moment, you thought that your crestfallen expression must have shown on your face because Bokuto pulled his bag from the side and plopped down in the seat next to you. A note slid onto your table.

Hey Hey Hey! 

You finally talked and are my new friend now! So you can't get rid of me! I hope you don't mind me sitting next to you! I plan on making you laugh again soon. I'll be in your care.

-Bokuto Kouatro, your friendly neighborhood owl <3

You smiled softly and jotted down a response.

I don't mind you sitting next to me. I'll be in your care as well. 0:)

You looked at the goofy giant ball of sunshine next to you who had his tongue sticking out a bit as he jotted down the heading of what the teacher was starting to teach. He looked up and met your eyes, then gave you a giant smile before going back to work.

Hey hey hey? Maybe this year I won't be so lonely...

Serious (Haikyuu)- Bokuto Koutaro x Reader {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now