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The first half of classes went by pretty quickly. To be honest,  you were glad for it because now it was-

"(Y/n)! It's lunchtime! And I'm taking you to sit with my friends in the cafeteria! Let's go!" Bokuto's loud enthusiastic voice made you smile softly.

"I usually eat in the library but I guess that's okay." You were barely given any time to pick up your bento box when Bokuto basically dragged you over to the cafeteria and burst in, "AGASHEEEE! LOOK AT MY PRETTY NEW FRIEND! ISN'T SHE AWESOME AND BEAUTIFUL!" Your face several shades of red as you now stood face to face with a group of teenage boys and the two girls in class.

Yukie hissed at Bokuto, "Bokuto-san! you can't just shout about a girl like that, whether she's your friend or not. Poor (Y/n) is all red now, see!"

A person who you presume is Aghashee(?) looks up at you and bows his head, making his dark hair spill over his forehead and hide his emerald eyes, "I am so sorry (L/n)-Senpai! Bokuto means well I swear but can get a bit loud at times!" His face was familiar for some reason.

Kaori tilts her head, "Wait, you know her?"

He nods, "I've seen her in the library multiple times, and she helps me find books when I need them. I apologize again for him and not introducing myself sooner. I'm Akaashi Keiji"

Bokuto's hair and shoulders noticeably droop, "So you scold me and you even knew her before me. That's not fair!" 

You hold in a chuckle, "Akaashi-san, it's alright, and call me (Y/n), no one uses my last name! I appreciate his...enthusiasm...Though I would like you to tone it down a bit." You direct the last part at a now happy Bokuto.

"Seeeeeee! She's Awesome! And like an angel!" He laughs and you blush again.

You tap his arm to gain his attention, "Please tone it down handsome and introduce me to the rest of the team."

This makes it his turn to blush, he then stutters through all the introductions making you smile a bit. Everyone enjoyed watching their usually boisterous captain being toned down a notch. The team enveloped you into their family and accepted you as one of them almost instantly. Despite being so social, this was the first time Bokuto had brought a girl over to the table and everyone was intrigued, to say the least. You were nowhere as near energetic as the ace. Nor were you as monotone as Akaashi. 

Akaashi watched your interactions with the most interest. Bokuto's entire self was ten times brighter than usual yet he was calm and focused, hanging off on every word you said. He wasn't bouncing around but still was so exuberant. Earlier, when he had scolded him, he didn't go full emo as usual and his mood picked up very quickly. Why couldn't he be like this during volleyball- Oh wait, "Hey, (Y/n)-Senpai? Would you like to come and watch our practice after school if you're free...we can all hang out afterward!" This was a great idea, this way the team could practice new things without Bokuto's tantrums and everyone could spend time with you. You were a nice person, Akaashi decided he liked you.

You think for a moment, "Well, I don't seem to have anything planned for today so that seems like a great idea. I would love to join if nobody opposes."

Bokuto gives you a bear hug out of nowhere at that, startling you a little, "We're going to have so much fun!!!!"  He squeezes you tight. You could feel your lungs getting crushed but at that moment for some reason, you didn't want him to let go. It felt so...right. 

"Bokuto-san! She needs air!" Akaashi pulls him away from you. 

Everyone else chuckles as he then dramatically shakes you, "Don't die on us, (Y/n)-chan!"

You put a hand on his chest to make him stop moving you, "I'm okay, Bo. Relax." Your head was spinning a bit but not enough for you to not notice the firm muscle under the surface of your palm. He instantly stops and looks into your eyes while holding still. 

"Woah." You said but everyone thankfully thought you were referring to the dizziness and not the hunk of hard muscle that was Bokuto.

"Are you okay?" He hands you a water bottle which you graciously accept. Akaashi was flabbergasted. The rest of the team openly gaped at how mature their captain was acting. You didn't notice but downed the drink.

Bokuto on the other hand was grinning ear to ear, "You gave me a nickname! I like it!"

You reciprocate his smile, "What? Bo? Okay, it's your name now."

Konoha, another third year and the wing spiker for the team smirks, "Sure, Bo."

Everyone laughs a little but Botuto pouts, back to his normal self, "Nope." He puts an arm around your shoulder, "Only (Y/n) gets to call me that."

You put food in your mouth to stop yourself from joining the rest of the team who was now teasing Bokuto with his new nickname. He still had his arm draped around your shoulder and you didn't move it away. Joy was all you could recall from the break later on in class.

He was so warm...It was nice, I liked today...

Serious (Haikyuu)- Bokuto Koutaro x Reader {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now