An Inevitable Decision

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HI! I DO NOT OWN BNHA! This is my first ever One-shot and I'm still thinking If I should make this a full fledged story! 

"H-HE LEFT?!" Bakugou hollered, his eyes attempting to escape from its pockets, he was so surprised that he didn't notice how surprised he was.

"I know... I can't believe Midoriya would leave us without saying anything like that... Also he had a Written Letter for you, just like the rest of us, Bakug- Hey are you listening?" Kirishima asked as he stared at the Explosion Quirked teen who seemed to be deep in thought

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT NERD DOING?! HAS HE LOST HIS MIND?!" Bakugou angrily thought while madly gripping his hair, he was upset as he heard the news of the discreet Departure of the Boy that he used to Torment, Bakugou Immediately snapped out of his trance and looked at the Hardening Quirked user again before snatching the Letter that was written for him by Izuku

Bakugou frantically ran towards his room and made sure that he had locked the door, Bakugou slowly gulped a hump of saliva as he shakily opened the Letter that was written by Izuku and slowly read Its contents...

"Dear Kacchan

This might be sudden but I have to leave.

All for One, who had successfully possessed Shigaraki Tomura's Body is coming after me and The Quirk that All Might has given to me, I don't want you guys to be placed in Danger because of me so I had no choice but to Leave...

This is the most logical solution that I could think of so please do not hate me for this...

Also, Kacchan, I know that you'll become a Great Hero one day so please keep doing your best for me at U.A as well

And I just want to say that I love you and the rest of The Class,

You all made my short time in U.A a very memorable experience and I will always be grateful for it and Lastly..."

 "I'm sorry for Everything"

-Izuku "Deku" Midoriya

Bakugou couldn't contain the tears on his eyes as it started to spill, Bakugou could only grit his teeth in guilt and frustration as he began to remember the Boy that he used to call "Deku"

"I should be the one who's saying that... Shitty Nerd..." Bakugou regrettably thought as he quietly wept inside his room while holding the Letter that the Curly Haired Teen had written to him

Somewhere very, very Far...

Somewhere very, very Far

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"I left huh..." This was the only thing that Deku could utter as he absent-mindedly gazed below the glimmering city of Manhattan, New York

Deku had to leave everything that he considers a Blessing from his life behind...

His Mother, His Dream School that he always dreamed on getting in since he was a mere child, The U.A Hero School, all the Friends that he made there and all the Hero Teachers that he admired since he was a kid, everything.

Everything that made him feel blessed... he had to leave behind.

"I hope all of them are fine, I wonder if they already read my letter..." Deku thought with his eyes still down casted at the busy Streets of New York, Deku slowly lifted his right hand and stared at his pinky finger

Deku knew he deliberately severed the Threads that's tying him from everything, Leaving his widowed Mother, his Idol and the Hero that gave him the very Quirk that he possessed, All Might, All the pleasant Memories of being with his Friends and being a simple Student of U.A, Those Threads had to be cut off, for him to be Free...

"I had to do it... I want to keep them safe, It's fine, I shouldn't regret my decision..." Deku tried to convince himself that he did the right thing but his aching heart refuses to...

"If I stayed there, many lives will be lost and I will only bring danger to them, so this Is fine..." Deku pensively thought as he clenched his fist tightly while tucking Gran Torino's measly, torned Yellow Cape around his neck 

Suddenly, Deku heard a loud crashing sound and a Monster-like Screech, Deku, with deadpanned eyes slowly turned to the direction of the turbulent uproar and saw a...

"A Giant Villian..." Deku lowly muttered, his eyes full of gloom as he merely glanced at the destruction that the Giant Villain did, Deku then heard the terrified screams of the Civilians and saw them asking for help

Deku's body glowed as green sparks and electricity danced around his lean yet muscular body, he took a final glance at the rampaging Giant Villain before whispering faintly...

"I need to save them... I have to, because... I am a Hero." 

If you define a Hero as someone who is willing to suffer in silence, then who's there for them when they're in pain?

If you define a Hero as someone who is willing to suffer in silence, then who's there for them when they're in pain?

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