Chapter 1

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(Warning: Grammatical errors)

"Darling, honey wake up,” e shook his son gently.

"Mmm, daddy," he whined.

"Hurry buttercup, we are getting late," he stated.

The pearl moon shone dazzlingly in the deep, long and dark night. The sound of crickets was creaking in a beat. It was only his son and him in the thick wood. They had to evacuate immediately since someone was reaching to get them. They wanted to take his precious son away from him, therefore they had to run and run further away from them.

But it was impossible for him as he was weak, he was not capable enough to fight them since he was alone and had no one to protect them.

"Daddy, do we have to go?" his baby boy asked.

"Yes darling, now let's go." He picked his son up.




Heehoon abo au

Where Heeseung was an omega, got knot up by a random alpha named Sunghoon. None of them knew they were mates as they left each other too early, even they could not remember one another names. They were only considered as a one-night stand.

Until Heeseung got pregnant, not knowing where to find the alpha, therefore he decided to raise his son alone. Unexpectedly his son was chosen by the Moon Goddess. He received a special gift from her, that could cure any kind of disease or injury.

News spread quickly as people began to hunt his son. Therefore, he needed to take his son further away from hungry beasts.




"Daddy? Why don't I have another Papa?" he asked.

Heeseung was stunned by the question, he knew this would come but not this early.

"Papa doesn't love us anymore?" he quivered.

Heeseung eyes soften, he lulled him gently.

"No darling, he probably loves us if he knows about us," Heeseung declared.

"Papa doesn't know about us? How?" he curiously asked.

"When you grow up, daddy will explain to you okay?"

"Okay, daddy!" his son beamed.

They ran and ran further away, Heeseung was exhausted. He had to take a rest but he could not because they were still chasing them. Suddenly he saw a mansion, he instantly rushed towards the mansion because had no choice since his son had to rest. He rang the doorbell, the door opened a reveal an omega, Heeseung felt relieved a bit.

"Please you have to help us!" Heeseung cried out, he was panicked that he might get caught by those people—which clearly beasts that were hungry to catch their prey.

"Why? What happened?" The omega let him inside.

A whimper abruptly distracted them.

"Daddy, I'm cold..." His son stuttered.

The omega eyes widen and instantly gave him a blanket as Heeseung thanked him.

"Please sit here for a while, I'll give you guys some hot cocoa. And my name is Jungwon." He smiled softly.

"Thank you, Jungwon."

Shortly after, Jungwon gave them two cups of cocoa.

"May I ask your name?" Jungwon politely questioned.

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