Chapter 5 The Second Day Part 1

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Ze's POV

I was having the weirdest dream ever. I was on top of our hotel, looking out over the other buildings. The sun was just about to disappear over the horizon. All of a sudden, I felt arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to the person they belonged to. I was in the process of turning my head around, when a large mass hit me like a ton of bricks. "WAKE UP YOU LAZY ASS!" I heard. I shot up, "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed, looking at my attacker, realizing that it was Chilled. "Get up, we've got Pax waiting for us. Let's go, let's go, let's go!" he excitedly said. I groaned, "Well I could if you would get off of me." That's when I noticed that he was sitting on my lap, his face was pretty close to mine. I looked at his eyes, those sparkling, brown eyes of his. I felt my face heat up a bit, then quickly shook the thought out of my head. I shoved Chilled off playfully and leapt up from the bed, walking towards the dresser to get some clothes and get ready.


I grabbed my wallet, devil horn knit hat, and cellphone, I was ready in about 10 minutes. I noticed that Chilled was wearing a red flannel shirt, his signature black muscle shirt, jeans, and converse. His shirt was open and I could clearly see his muscles. God, why do you have to be so hot, Anthony? WAIT, WHAT?! What is up with me? First the drive over, then Olive Garden, now this?
We, Chilled and I, walked to the stairs. The others had already eaten breakfast and were waiting for us in the lobby. Chilled had brought up some waffles and orange juice for me while I had gotten ready. I still felt weird though, the dream going through my head, especially the ending. No matter how many times I replayed it, I couldn't determine who it was that was behind me. We reached the lobby area and Galm, Tom, and Smarty were waiting for us. I waved, "Hey, guys," I said.
"Finally you woke up," Smarty said, a little impatient like. "Sorry, I was really tired from yesterday," I replied, a little annoyed at Smarty's tone. "Well," Tom interjected before Smarty could say anything, "Let's get going. Pax awaits us!"


We walked through the doors and were immediately greeted with the sight of about a million people in cosplay. Anime, video game, movie, comic book, and many more as far as the eye could see. I smiled as soon as I saw a couple cosplaying as Princess Peach and Mario. Memories of Mario Kart going through my head, but I was soon snapped out of it when Galm elbowed me. I realized that the others were already ahead of us heading to the Nintendo area. We jogged a little to catch up and were soon walking in the big sea of imposters.
I stayed by Chilled's side the entirety of the walk. I was looking at someone who was cosplaying as Link from Zelda when I heard Chilled go "Uh-oh." "What was that 'uh-oh' for?" I asked. "I think we lost'em," he said, as he looked around. I looked around as well. He was right, we lost Galm and the others. "Great," I sighed, "So I guess it's just the two of us, huh?" I said, grinning at Chilled. My smile immediately fell when I realized he wasn't smiling back. Instead he was looking at the floor, his face as red as a tomato. "Um, Chilled?" I asked, "Are you ok?" "Y-yeah," he said, nervousness in his voice, "It's just I forgot to get a map of the floor," he half-heartedly laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh, yeah. Wait, hang on! Maybe somebody uploaded a picture on Twitter," I said, hopeful. I checked Twitter and sure enough, a ton of people had uploaded pictures of the map. I saved one that wasn't too blurry and checked it out. I looked up and saw Chilled had gotten closer to let some people pass by us. I felt my heart race a bit when he bumped into me.
"Let's see," I said, looking around, "We are between the Marvel booth and the Activision booth, and we are facing towards the doors, so that means we are here!" I exclaimed, pointing at the bottom left corner of the map.
"Then that means that we need to go this way," Chilled said behind me, pointing to my right, "if we wanna get to the Nintendo booth." I nodded and we started walking.

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