Chapter 2

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Oikawa wakes up three times before he's fully awake.

The first, of course, is to the smell of an alpha, slowly opening his eyes in the dark to find himself curled up against a hot body, the scent of black tea bitter and almost overpowering. The smell of his own distress and filthied sheets lingers in the air, along with the scent of another alpha, which makes him scrunch up his face in confusion.

He stares at the sleeping alpha, his alpha, retracting the hand he has clinging to the Prince's chest. Gods, when did he do that? When did the Prince return?

Why did the Prince return? Hadn't he been rejected?

It doesn't take long for him to start worrying even more, dread building in the back of his throat, but the alpha's arm coils around him and holds him closer, Oikawa barely able to make out his sleeping figure in the dark of the guest room. The alpha's chest rises and falls peacefully, and Oikawa breathes in unison, taking in the scent.

It lulls him back to sleep, half-drunk on pheromones.

The second time's a lot less pleasant, the covers ripped off of his very naked lower half, legs spread by cold hands and colder fingers probing him as he lays on his stomach. He sucks in a sharp breath, and if it weren't for the Prince standing next to the bed, he might have thought he was being taken again.

Which wouldn't be the worst thing, if he's being honest with himself. It would mean that the Prince has decided to give him another shot, another chance to prove himself as a good omega, and after last night that's all he wants to do, to prove that he's worth keeping as a future King's omega. But it's a beta's cold fingers prodding around him, not Prince Iwaizumi's, not with the gentle care that had worked him open mere hours ago, and these fingers feel more than just invasive.

"They definitely consummated, the marriage is valid, but I see no traces of semen," The beta who had checked his virginity status's voice calls out from behind him. "Ask the Prince what happened. If he's been rejected, the Prince should see to his punishment on his own."

The fingers pull out of him and the covers are gracelessly replaced, the beta's face reading like he's just touched filth, wiping his hand on a towel. The translator asks the Prince a simple question, and whatever the Prince says next makes him turn red, obviously caught off guard by it. He answers shakily, nervously, and Oikawa just barely manages to flip himself around before the translator's face twists from disgust into completely emotionless.

"Says he finished in the omega's mouth. Seems that the omega was good for him," She breathes, shaking her head at Oikawa in disbelief. "Give him the serum."

A drink is promptly shoved down his throat, hand over his mouth forcing him to swallow. His body tries to fight it against his better judgement, the liquid bitter and his stomach growling for food, but he swallows it, knowing it's what'll make his alpha's life easier, and he wants to be good. He needs to make sure that he's not going to end up in some Seijoh rut house.

The Prince makes a movement to protest the action, his words forceful and horrified, but the translator holds him back, trying to say something that sounds either reassuring or some half-assed excuse. He barely has time to question why the Prince lied about finishing before he's drifting heavily back to sleep.

The third time, the final time, he slowly opens his eyes, his body groggily swaying, to the sound of carriage wheels and the clomping of hooves rather than the sound of birds he's used to. The light is bright, harsh on his eyes, and he squints to accommodate.

His head hurts, like his brain exploded and pieced itself back together, the motion not making it any better. His mouth is dry and bitter, and the memory of being drugged briefly flashes in his mind as he realizes that he's in a carriage.

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