getting to know eachother

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As I follow master splinter to another room that look like a dojo

He take a seat next to a tree I followed and seated in front of him

"I presume your wondering why I want to talk to you" master splinter said stroking his beard

"Um.. yes" I said waiting for the explanation

He breathed"I think you should know first that you can trust me" master splinter said looking directly at me

"Wha-what do you mean?"I stuttered

"I can see through your eyes you don't trust any of us yet" master splinter said

"Well I actually don't know what's going on"I said rubbing the back of my neck

"Well at your situation your confuse" master splinter said

"Ye-yeah I'm confuse"I said

"Okay you know I just wanted to thank you for saving April"splinter said

"No problemo"I said smiling

"Well I should tell you... Do you have abilities in powers?" Master splinter ask

I was shocked
"Ho-how did you know exactly this"I said Shockly

He clear his throat"base on your way how to fight you are very trained and as for your powers I could tell your keeping a secret" splinter said

My jawed drop
"You are truly what master Haruki said"I said

He chuckled"what a very old friend use to know me very much" splinter said chuckling

"Um I don't want to bother you.. but how did you and master Sato met"I ask nervously

"Well that's for another time for now I want you to show me your abilities"he said "but if you don't want it's fine" he added quickly

I put my hand in the air concentrating of bringing my sword in my hand

Suddenly I felt the sword in my hand

I breathe in"I do somehow had it I kept secret about it but now you know can you not tell the others please"I said silently begging

Master splinter is amused
"Well I can't tell the others because it's not my part to tell....but can I see that sword of yours"he said as I give him my short sword

"It seems familiar" he said looking the details

"Yeah master Haruki use to tell me he use it when he was much younger when he become the Sato ninja"I say looking up at him "why'd you said it seems familiar"I ask "well this short sword wasn't from him someone use to use it before him and I think his older brother use too" master splinter said as he sigh

"What do you mean?" I said confusingly

"That's for another time to tell for today have a rest , you've shown to much progress today" master splinter said returning my sword

"Arigato master splinter"I said as I stand up before him

"Call me sensei if you may"Sensei said

"Of course sensei"I said as I bow and walk away to grab my sword

As I walk out I stumbled to the living room seeing the turtles and April Casey pretending they have not listen to our conversation

"Probably is bad idea pretending and listening to someone's conversation"I demanded folding my arms with a blank look

"What are you saying"Donnie said trying to escape the situation

"Don't you even try lying"I said

Mikey jawed drop
"She can read our minds" Mikey said out loud

The three turtles glared at him for spitting out the truth

I raise one eyebrow
"I can't read minds but I can know how people lied or in your case mutant too"I said smirking

"You pick the right girl Donnie" Raph whispers to Donnie who blush

"And can hear clearly"I added

Donnie blushed
"Raph I told you I don't like her she is a friend" Donnie said before he hit Raph head

I clear my throat
"Now if you don't mind I have to go home before mom freaks out and call the police"I said as I'm about to leave

"I don't think that's a good idea my child" sensei said as I turn around

"Your still injured" sensei said

"I agree" Donnie said

I sigh "fine" I said as I turn around walking away to the room

"And I like to check your bandage first" Donnie said rather quickly

I groan
"Don't tell me I got injured"I said

"Yup you have a cut to your side lower back" April said worried

I groan
"Okay okay"I said as I follow Donnie to the lab of him I saw some interesting stuff

"I never thought your a type of the turtle that has interest in scientific and invention way"I said as I look around

"Mhm" Donnie said as he look around for the first aid

"I can tell that your different to the other's " I said seriously

"Pretty much" Donnie said as he found the first aid

"Ow!"I said as I felt the sting through my lower side back

Donnie was cleaning my cut

I look at him behind my back to see him so focus I saw the determination

I zone out
"Umm what are you looking at" Donnie said as I shake my thoughts

"Nothing"I said looking away

"I think is a good idea we bandage it up now"Donnie suggested

"Sure thing"I said as I stand up he grab the bandage and wrap it around me as he did that I watch carefully as he tied it up

"Done!" He said smiling at me smoothly

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