Eventful day

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After the distress that happen yesterday I was weirded out by the fact that the picture of my dad suddenly show up in my head

I groan"What the turtle shell is that!" I said it out loud at the lab were the other turtle's are talking about something Shredder ish

They're all look at me weirdly

I cover my mouth before
"You know, what sewer apples wrong with you " Raph implied

"Well maybe is the fact that I've been here enough with you guys that I got adopted to your language" I argued Raphael glared

"What are you even doing here you all healed up why can you just go home already!" Raphael argued back

"Well~~~" I dragged the words out finding a reason why I haven't go back home

"Well" Raphael questioned

"I don't know" I wondered out loud

"What the  shell!" Raphael said

"That's enough guys!," Leo said out loud as we stop arguing

"Yeah since you guys are going about it for awhile" Mikey said

"Why can't you guys just get along" Donnie added blankly

"Ask him"
"Ask her" Raph and me said at the same time

"You know what Donnie is right I mean it's been a while since we meet each other why can we just trust eachother like friends do" I suggested looking at Donnie

"Okay fine I mean sure" Raph said he look at me like a brotherly gazed I know deep inside that stubbornness and tempered there is a big brother that cared for his brothers or care for a friend

"Okay now that's  over we should go now for a patrol" Leo said before walking out

The others follow

I sigh"Donnie wait a minute" I called as the three turtles  look at Donnie who walk a bit farther away from the turtles Leo noded before disappearing with the three

Donnie walk over to me
"What is it" Donnie questioned confuse
"I just wanna talk to you" I said
"Okay spill it out Angel if this is something serious tell me" Donnie say worriedly

I breathed in ' you can do it alayna'
"Umm... I just wanna say I'm sorry for the way I act last week and the way I didn't apologize early I know I've been stubborn for a while so I'm sorry don" I apologize I look at him sincere

He stared at me blankly for a while
"Actually I'm sorry too I know you were a ninja and I just apperently got worried because your injured and it's just for a week we been together you know I don't like anyone facing enemies if there injured" Donnie apologize back

"I guess we forgive eachother" I say Donnie look at me and noded giving me those precious 'what' gap tooth smile

"How about we should go" Donnie suggested he stared for me while looking for a confirmation

"Sure thing we should" I said as we both walked out and follow the other's at the roof top who apperently is wait for us for awhile

"Did you two take your time together because we don't need anyone to be distracted with eachother" Leo teased we both a blush a little

"Leo!" We both said out loud at the same time as Raph and Mikey smirk behind Leo

"We should go now" Leo pointed out

"We should before it gets late" Raphael said sighing before we all jump at the nightly sky of New York City



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