Chapter 4

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I go outside where I hear Estrella talking to two people and it's Hunter and the girl in the picture he turns around and says "oh hey this is my sister Natalie but Wow you look really beautiful" I don't know why but I felt rude after saying this but I still said it anyway "hey Natalie I'm Joselyn and uh thanks but I think you should be saying that to your own girlfriend" Estrella took a step back in disbelief when I said that I guess she found it rude to then he says "what girlfriend I don't have one" he's trying to act stupid with me "yes you do Hunter" oh let me mention that I really don't call him Hunter and I could see a bit of surprised face on him and I don't blame him because if someone calls you something different every day other then your name and then randomly say your name you would be surprised to but then he said "no I don't" that's when I turn around and say "yeah you do chole blonde wears pink looks like Regina George"well what if I told you I broke up with her would it change anything going on in your mind," that's pretty odd if I do say so myself I thought their relationship was really healthy it looked like it from the outside but you never really know who really knows well duh they know but I guess I'll never know what went down in closed doors but all I could really say is. "wait really"  yeah probably one of the lamest things to say to a boy that you don't know if you have feelings for like put yourself in my shoes I've only known him for 24 hours I mean he is cute but enough with that he said "yeah I did" and in that moment I knew i probably have a chance with him and that we can probably happen but that's a bit of a stretch we just met like a day ago and for now I just wanna be friends especially since he's Joe Biden's grandson people will be up my butt asking me questions about our relationship or if we are friends and not to mention the girls that like him I'm afraid for my life oh and don't get me started on Chloe Joselyn chill out it's not like it could happen "and plus I really didn't like her"  that relationship was probably forced what kind of guy gets with a girl unless he likes playing with a girls feelings but Hunter doesn't seem like the guy to do that,"you didn't" "nope not at all" HA! He was forced to be in a relationship with Regina George I mean Chole but forcing your someone into a relationship is not ok two Hunter probably likes me to but me in the other hand I feel like im guilty because I feel like I was the reason for their break up and I just feel bad in general but I do know something that will make me feel better and that something is cake and my favorite tv show Jane The Virgin ugh I absolutely love that show I'm team Rafael all the way but I'll do that when I get back home but my thoughts were interrupted by hunter clearing his throat "hey are you ok orrr" "oh yeah just thinking of something" now watch him ask me what I'm thinking about, "so what are you thinking about" see told you this boy is just to invested into my life really wanting to know more about me "oh nothing just you know thinking about the ending of my favorite tv show haha"  I'm rewatching it for the one millionth time but wow the nervous laughter made it even more awkward in the room kinda like Michael,Rafael,and Jane in the same room after Jane broke up with Michael oh watch him ask what my favorite tv show is "so what is your favorite tv show called" HA! see I told you I think I deserve brownie points "oh it's called Jane The Virgin" "wow really that's my favorite show to" said Natalie well I guess me and one of the Biden's like something "what team are you on team Michael or team Rafael" asked Natalie "oh I'm definitely team Rafael have you seen him for one he's nice and treats Jane really good and for two he's really hot" when I said the last three words Hunters face changed from happy to jealous real quick Then I asked Natalie "what about you what team are you on" "oh me I'm team Michael all the way" mmh something we both can't agree on but I like her anyway "but I think we should leave Joselyn and her friend so they can dress shop alone and so Joselyn can pick out a beautiful dress" said Hunter he really did just say a really good idea "yeah your right little brother well bye girls it was nice meeting you I hope you guys are invited to my grandmothers ball for her birthday she's really big on that" oh really We didn't know we thought it was for your grandfather" "oh well can you say happy early birthday for me" said Estrella "can you say happy birthday for me to" "oh ofc I will I can't wait for our grandparents to meet you" "well we should go now bye" said hunter "bye" we all said together once they walked out the door Estrella spoke up "wow that was pretty awkward he said he and Chloe broke up" "yeah they broke up wow" "anyway how are you feeling the dress" "hate it" "ok we will keep looking I guess"

20 dresses later

"I love this one" "I mean it looks good on you it just fits all your curves it's amazing for you" "yeah it really is" it was a Beautiful dress I absolutely loved it it did take 20 dresses later but I love it so did Estrella I really don't know what I would do without her but I decided to take the dress after we paid we went out to get food but we stopped at Starbucks to get some drinks and we went to get our food and sat down "so how did Hunter know where we were it's kinda strange" "I know right but I know how he knew he asked me where I was going to dress shop at and I told him but I didn't know he was gonna come and I didn't know he was gonna tell me that he broke up with Chloe it was all a big surprise" "it really was and his sister is really pretty" "she really is" "but I wonder where his friend was" "which one" "Louis duh" "oh so you have a crush" "uh no I don't" we started laughing and joking until someone interrupted us a deep voice said something "oh hey it's you again"

Haha yes I'm evil for the cliffhanger I'm sorry anywayy question of the update this one is for my people that have watched Jane the Virgin what team are you guys in? I'm in team Rafael since day 1😌 but anyway I really do hope your enjoying the story and I'm getting my creativity back so I'm back😚✌🏽 and stay tuned to find out who the person is;)

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