Chapter 6

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I woke up with a frown upon my face as I remembered last night. Andy was angry again because he saw Bret kiss me, but how? Did he see me from the hotel window? I'm so confused. I like Bret but I also like Andy and am scared to leave him. He has already made it petty clear that I can't. What do I do? I need help. I got up and as usual Andy wasn't in bed with me. I sighed in relief as I got up and got ready for the day. My frown soon turned into a smile when I realized my brother and his band was coming to see me perform along with my best friend Bret and his band. I hope Andy won't try anything. I headed out into the living room of the bus to see BVB but no Andy.

"Where's Andy?" I asked

"He said he had to do something." Jake said

"Okay. Um Ash can I talk to you alone please." I asked

"Uh sure" Ash said and got up and followed me back to where Andy and I's bunk were.

"What is it?" Ashley asked

"I can tell you anything right?" I asked Ash. Out of all the guys I was closest to him.

"Of course. What is it?" Ash asked

I then showed Ashley my bruised wrists.

"What happened?!" Ashley said worried. Ashley was like a big brother to me and didn't like it that I was in pain.

"Andy happened" I said

"Why? How long as this been going on?" Ashley asked worried

"A year. He says he loves me but I just make him angry. I don't know what to do." I said and started to cry.

"Leave." Ashley said

"I have tried but he won't let me. He always pull me right back in." I said with tears falling.

"I'm a horrible girlfriend. I'm with Andy but I'm starting to like my best friend." I said sadly

"No you're not horrible. Andy deserves it. You deserve someone who will treat you right." Ashley said

"Thanks Ash" I said

"Anytime. After all your like a little sister to me. We'll talk to Andy when he gets back." Ashley said

"You'll help me right? I don't want to do this alone." I said scared of Andy.

"I'll be right there with you." Ash said. I then hugged Ash and we headed out to where the rest of BVB was and hungout an an hour later Andy came back and reeked of smoke. He must have been smoking.

"Hey baby." Andy said and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Andy we need to talk." I said

"What is it?" Andy asked curiously

"I want to break up" I said

"WHAT?!" Andy yelled and raised his hand ready to slap me. I closed my eyes awaiting the impact of the hit but it never came. I opened my eyes to see Ash in front of me holding Andy's hand.

"Leave her alone. She doesn't want to date you anymore Andy. Get over it." Ash said

"You'll regret this Courtney" Andy said and stormed off. I sighed in relief I was finally free of Andy at least I hoped I was. I hope he wouldn't try anything. Before I knew it it was was time for our concert. Tonight was the night we also released our debut album.

"How's everyone doing tonight?!" I screamed into the microphone. Everyone then screamed. I looked to the side of the strange and smiled when I saw my brother and his band and Bret and his band.

"Okay so tonight we are going to perform some songs from our new album that will be avaible to buy after the show." I said. Bret and the guys and my brother and his band already got a copy and already told me they thought it was awesome. I performed Save Me, Broken and Bruised, Raindrops, and Fallen Angels and then Andy took the stage along with the rest of BVB. While they were on stage I went over to my brother's band and Bret's band and talked to them.

"Congratulation's Courtney" JC said

"Thanks JC" I said

"You were awesome" Bret said

"Thanks" I said

I then got hugs from both bands spent some time with them.

"Um Bret can I talk to you alone" I asked

"Sure" Bret said and brought me over to a private corner.

"What is it?" Bret asked

"I broke up with Andy." I said

"Really?!" Bret said

"Yeah. You like me right?" I asked

"Yes I do." Bret said

"Can you do me a favor and wait a month. I just broke up with Andy and don't want to rush into anything" I said

"Sure I'll wait" Bret said and smiled.

I then smiled back and hugged Bret. Bret did the unexpected and kissed me. We then walked back over to my brother's band and The Relapse Symphony and spent the rest of the night hanging out.

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