Jimin's POV:

It was my sixth birthday party, and we were going to celebrate. We were putting up decorations. I was blowing up balloons and mom was on a step-stool hanging ribbons and a sign that read 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIMIN!' in big green letters. I was so exited. All my family members would come, we would eat lots of cake, and I would open lots of presents! It was gonna be great! But then we heard a loud screech, and we knew right away who it was.


He shouldn't be here! Mom got down off the step-stool and rushed over to me.

"Honey! We are gonna play a game, ok?!" She said quickly, tears in her eyes. She was scared. So was I. 

"It's called 'hide 'n' seek, ok? I n-need you t-to hide in the closet a-and lock t-the door. A-and n-no matter what y-you hear...Keep h-h-hiding!" She cried softly. Tears ran down her face and she hugged me tightly. "GO!" she yelled, and I ran to the closet, my legs acting on there own. I closed the closet and locked it, tears in my eyes. 

"I'M HOOOME!" I heard my dad yell. He was really drunk. Through the slots in the closet door, I saw him come in with a big beer bottle in his hand. Mom stood there not saying anything. "I'm not gonna get a kiss?" He slurred. 

"Y-you're home e-early..." She said quietly. I saw him look around. 

"What the hell's all this?" He asked, kicking a box that had some birthday decorations still left in it. Mom stayed silent. "ANSWER ME, YOU DAMN WOMAN!!!" He screamed. I heard a loud smack, then a thud, followed by quiet sobs. When dad's drunk, he gets very violent. Little did I know that this would be me and my mothers last few moments together.

I shrunk back in the closet as I watched my father beat up his wife. I closed my eyes and silently cried. I was forced to listen to the screams, the pleas, the sound of shattering glass, popping balloons, the tear of clothes, my father scream insults and swear, then, suddenly, nothing. Everything was silent. I opened my eyes. 

"Damn woman." I heard him say. I wanted to cry loud. I wanted to scream. I wanted my dad to leave, and have my mother get up, telling me everything is ok now. But I knew that was never going to happen. My mouth refused to let any sound out. After a while, I heard footsteps make there way outside, and I slowly crept to the closet door, unlocking it. I pushed it open, and the sight before me was straight from a horror movie scene. Blood. Blood everywhere. Covering the floor, splattered on the wall. The Glass was shattered all over the floor, pieces of rubber on the cushions. The 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIMIN' sign now lay on the ground, blood covering the word 'HAPPY'.  My mother lay lifeless on the floor. Her eyes were closed, but blood poured from a huge cut in her head, soaking into the light blue carpet. Most of her clothes were ripped off, and I saw tears. Tears still pouring from her lifeless eyes, as if she were still alive.

This is all my fault! I could have done something! Call the police! Hit him in the head with a bat! run out of the house and scream for help! But I didn't. I did nothing. Now my mouth finally formed words. 

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! MOMMYYYYYYY!!!" I screamed, shaking her, as if trying to get her to wake up.

 I wanted her to get up and laugh and tell me it was all a prank. It would be a sick prank, but I would rather have that than this. Anything but this. What did I do wrong? Why does my life have to be like this? I heard sirens blaring, and a thud. I looked, and there stood my dad, looming over me and my mother's corpse. 

"Thought you'd have a birthday party without your own dad?" He snarled. Then he lifted his fist and brought it down. I screamed.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed as I opened my eyes, tears pouring from them. My vision was blurry, and it was hard to see. I heard a door slam open and then a figure put there hands on my shoulders.

"N-NO! DAD! N-N-NOO! DON'T H-HURT ME!!" I screamed, pushing the hands away.

"No, no. Calm down! It's ok, Jimin!" I heard a voice yell. It was a woman's. My vision was no longer blurry, and I saw a woman with blond hair gently rubbing my shoulders to help calm me. A nurse.

"Shhh, shhh. It's ok, hun. Your safe." She said softly. Hun? That name. I looked up at the woman. The one from last time!  I looked around, and I was in the hospital. I tried to lift my arm, but instantly regretted it.

"AGHHHH!" I screamed out. My whole body hurt, and I was in excruciating pain all over.

"No! Hun do not move! Your still healing!" The nurse said quickly. Then because I didn't know what else to do, I cried.

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