Ho-seok's POV:

I sat impatiently for three whole hours waiting for the nurses to let me into the room to be with Jimin. I miss him. I need to see him. Them telling me he is ok is NOT enough! Then someone cleared there throat and I looked up. A male doctor asked, "Hello, Are you Ho-seok?" I quickly stood and nodded my head.

"Please, come with me." He said and I eagerly followed. He walked to a hospital room and pulled the door open. I rushed in to find Jimin sitting up on the bed, crying. He saw me and his eyes went wide. He cried harder and made grabby hands at me. I ran over to him, and sat gently on the bed.

"Jimin-ah! Oh, I missed you!" I cried, tears falling down my cheeks. I was as gentle as possible when I pulled him into a hug. He was in pain, and he winced whenever I touched him. It caused me great pain to see him like this.

"H-Hobi! I-I thought y-you left..." He cried.

"No! Hobi would never leave you, ChimChim! I told you that!" I said softly, looking into his beautiful eyes. I sighed when I saw the wounds. A broken nose with a huge cut under it, one black eye with a huge bruise right under the other one, Bandages wrapped around his forehead, scrapes and cuts covering a lot of the skin on his face, neck, and most likely the rest of his body. I will kill whoever did this to him!!

"Mr. Park?" We both looked up to see a nurse, and two police officers standing at the doorway. I nodded, pulling Jimin closer, and he whimpered. 

"Hello. I am Officer Hyang and this is Chief Yoong." The Chief nodded. "We would like to ask you both some questions about this incident." He said. I nodded and looked at Jimin. He cried a little, but nodded as well.

"Thank you." The officers said, then closed the door.


"Thank you for you time. We will make sure we catch Ji-yoo and his accomplices." Officer Hyang said, standing. "If you need anything at all, just call the front desk." Chief Yoong said, handing me a little white card with a phone number to the police station on it. 

"We will. Thank you so much." I said. The officers bowed and exited the room. I sighed. I looked down at Jimin who was playing with his fingers. I tucked the card in my front pocket. "It's ok now, ChimChim. Ji-yoo will be gone very soon." I said softly. Jimin hummed in reply. He snuggled into my chest and fell asleep. I did as well soon after.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. Got bored. See you in the next one!

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