Chapter 7.

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*¥*¥*¥* Annabelle's POV *¥*¥*¥

I take a deep breath, and then it hits me:

I'm stressed.

Annabelle fudge-poppin Brooks is stressed.

No. Nononononononono.

This can't happen!

I'm NEVER supposed to be stressed! That's Gwen's job! SHE'S the responsible one!

Not me!

There can only be one explanation:

The world is ending.

Okay, so I guess I'm not totally stressed out. I still look flawless.

Just kidding.

But still-- being stressed is stressing me out.

Wait what?

I looked around frantically. All the boys were-- confused. That was really the only emotion they've shown for the entire time we've-- uh, kidnapped them. Which kinda makes sense.

I grip the green cylinder like it's Ian Somerhalder's abs. Which means as tight as a mother-hugger.

Gwen's face was clouded with the same emotion as mine; worry. Maybe even more, considering she's the mother of the two of us.

And then a lightbulb appeared over my head.

No, not literally, for the blondes who are taking this seriously.

I am a wizard, though. That, I'm being literal with.

I had realized this was a box truck, and it would be considerably easy to hop out if we could open the latch... Which was on the outside.

Nothing was TOO easy when you're a fugitive spy. Luckily the guards didn't take away my babies, and gadgets can do practically anything. I just needed to find the laser...

We really weren't supposed to use the laser unless it was an absolute emergency. Pressing that tiny button for fun could cause major trouble, like slicing up a car or something.

Nah, that wasn't me.

Okay okay, so maybe that ONE TIME I sliced the car, but it was only in half! It wasn't even that bad...

I finally found the small cylinder (everything seems a cylinder these days) and took it out über carefully.

Gwen seemed to catch my drift, (catch my drift, haha) but other than her the five already confused boys were just downright weirded out.

"What's that?" Liam asks worriedly.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you, could of done that already. I'm trying to get us out of here."

"But it's Steven's car, and that's okay, right?" Niall spoke up. I sighed, exasperated. Why couldn't they get it through their heads that Steven was a bad guy?

"Yeah, sure. It's totally fine if you want to be chained to the wall, each day closer and closer to your execution date. If it were me, I wouldn't particularly like that, but ya know, it's all a matter of opinion." I began to cut a (very, very crooked) hole into the back of the truck. Being major OCD, it bothered the sh-ip outta me, but I could ignore it long enough to jump through it.

The boys all chuckled at my previous comeback (which was pretty awesome if I do say so myself) and Gwen joined in.

Slow clap for the serious chick loosening up a bit.

"I like you. All hell is breaking loose, yet you can still have humor." Louis said, and I realized after a few seconds he was talking to me.

"I like you too. You haven't tried to fight me while I successfully kidnapped you." I shoot back before pushing the circle out so there was a hole. All the boys had realized I was going, so they turned their attention to Gwen.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2012 ⏰

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