Chapter 2.

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*¥*¥*¥*¥*¥*Gwen's POV*¥*¥*¥*¥*¥*

The boss cleared his throat, looking straight at Annabelle. its probably something she'll freak out about. She always does. He kept his mesmerizing eyes on Annabelle and began to speak.
"Okay, don't freak out, but Steven McCoy is the manager for the British-Irish band One Direction."
Did he say- One Direction?
I held in a squeal and glanced at Annabelle.
She was picking her fingernails. How could she be so casual at a time like this?!
The boss looked confused.
"Well, Agent Annabelle, that wasn't the reaction I was going for. Did you hear me?"
Annabelle looked up.
"Uh, yes. yes I did."
The boss stared for a little longer, then shook his head and muttered,
He turned to me and saw my face, which was most definitely shock and happiness.
"Thats the reaction I was looking for."
I snapped out of the shock and stood up, turning to Annabelle and shaking her.
She smirked and pried my hand off of her.
"Sorry, I'm a Bieber girl."
My mouth dropped open.
"But Bieber is dead and gone!!" I screeched.
"Is not!"
"Is too!"
"No he's not!"
"Yes he is!"
"GIRLS!" the big boss man roared. He REALLY hates when we go into the "I hate you because you disagreed with me" mode.
"Calm down. This is an assignment. Not an excuse to freak out over some boy band you're in love with." He said trying to make the teenage girl drama stop.
"It is your job to get find which member has the cylinder and obtain it. You take the jet out tomorrow."
"You already said that!" Annabelle interrupted.
The boss sent a warning glare. Ouch.
"You'll be heading to London for an exclusive concert the boys are putting on. Here are the backstage passes for after the show. Please whatever you do, do not get caught up with these boys. Don't let them SEE you, HEAR you, even question your existance."
"Please, they're no JB." Annabelle scoffed.
 I just stood there, still trying to wrap my head around the fact that we're going to London, tomorrow, to meet up with One Direction, the hottest band on the planet. Oh the life of being an international spy.

**A drive to our flat, two chick flicks and and a comfy pillow later**

"NEVER!!" I screamed as I pulled the covers back over my head. Only Annabelle knows how to get me up in the morning. Otherwise NO ONE disturbs me when I'm sleeping unless they want to be mauled.
"Come on G!! Today's the day we get to meet your boys..."
She does have a point...
"Fine, Fine. I'm up. But don't you dare wake me up on the plane." I growled, still in my "I hate everything in the morning" phase. "Let me get dressed and we'll go."
"Good! Now hurry!! We have to be at the airport in an hour!" she said happily. Ugh, morning people. But today I get to see my boys! London, here I come.


Ahutherz Knwote from Addie: yo. hey. hola. kay i'm the carrot friend JL keeps talking about. nice to meet you too. soooo, the girls are off to London! I want to go backstage to a 1D concert. yay for them. so yeah gwen is NOT a morning person. at all. and annabelle is definitely not your normal girl. well neither is gwen, cause theyre spies.... ok well ill talk to yall next timeeee. peace, little ducklings.

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