Chapter 3

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Becker's hand reached across the back of Connor's chair as he leaned back in his own, balancing on the back legs with his feet in the air trying to steady his weight so that he didn't fall backwards or slam forwards. Connor's elbows were on the table, fingers picking at loose skin around the nail of his thumb.

He didn't really know how long they'd been waiting now but his glass of water was almost empty and he was getting hungry again.

"Spaghetti Bolognese tonight I think." Becker broke the silence as he let his chair fall forward.

"Oh, nice. That'll be... interesting." They'd made bacon sandwiches for breakfast and the smell from the melting butter forced some sick into Connor's mouth. He managed to hold most if down though, once he started eating but he sat with his feet towards the toilet just in case he needed to run.

"I think it's good that you'll stay with us, just for now. Jess will love having people round. Not much time for socialising in our line of work, is there?" He scoffed, a finger pulling at his sleeve to glance at the time.

"No. But at least I get to socialise now." Connor smiled, slightly.

"True, this place has its perks." Another quick look towards his wrist moving just his eyes. "They've been ages, I'll go see where they are."

"Okay." Connor had picked his skin raw by now, the stray peel getting caught as he ran his finger over his thumb.

He hadn't really noticed the soldier get up or heard him tucking his chair under the table, he only noticed movement when Becker had reached the door. A shadow moving across the room. The uniform really hadn't changed in five years, just more attachments along his holster.

Then Connor was alone, surrounded by nothing but the sound of his breathing and the tapping of his foot against the concrete floor. The room was as dull as the flat he'd been given, white walls and a white table complimented by a heavy metal door and grey concrete floors. A different world to the floors of auburn mud and green canopies he had been so used to living in.

The door opening brought him straight back to earth – or this time – and he was greeted by a face that had not really aged but looked entirely different without the usual bronze hair that used to kink at his chin. It was short now, brushed back but the tips still curled at the end defying any amount of gel he'd slicked through it earlier on.

Jack was wearing grey bottoms that blended with the cold floor while his blue t-shirt was a few shades darker than his – Abby's – eyes.

Connor caught a glimpse of a police officer by the door behind Becker whose arm was stretched across the door holding it open. When his eyes trailed back to Jack, Connor noticed the cuffs around his wrists.

"All right?" Jack asked, pulling back the chair across from Connor with his foot and metal scraped against concrete with an echo through the hallway.

Connor didn't say anything but adjusted his posture, suddenly a little intimidated by the man in front of him.

Becker went to step in and join the two of them before Jack turned towards the door. "I'd rather just talk to Connor, to be honest mate. Don't worry, he's safe." Jack lifted his hands.

Connor could see Becker looking at him for approval or a plea of help, he wasn't really sure but gave a gentle nod with pursed lips. The soldier matched his expression only with raised eyebrows, one higher than the other, until he turned and left with the room falling silent once the door clicked shut behind him.

"So?" Jack's handcuffs clinked against the table, making sure Connor knew they were there. "What have you got to tell me?"

"Uh, well. Listen." The words didn't want to come out, he hadn't really ever said them out loud before as everyone he'd met since coming back had accepted nods or left him alone when they saw he was getting uncomfortable.

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