002, you're strange

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chapter two - you're strange

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chapter two - you're strange

a loathing that seemed to penetrate every dark corner of her tar-black soul. To the rest of the world, he was a saint, a beacon of salvation. But if they only knew the truth – he was the polar opposite, a malevolent figure. He possessed a crafty talent for deceiving people, making them believe he stood by their side, ready to shield them from harm. Yet, all along, his actions were fueled by self-interest. This was the real Dumbledore, a man solely dedicated to serving his own agenda. In Meissa's eyes, he was no different from the malevolent Voldemort.

She now realized her own foolishness in placing her trust in his alleged goodness. She had once relied on him to shield her from the perils associated with her infamous surname, only to recognize the extent of her gullibility. The man celebrated as a hero had revealed his true nature by sending her to an orphanage rather than allowing her to live with her Aunt Narcissa. His motives were far from altruistic; they were driven by selfish desires to enlist her on his side in the ongoing war. He was well aware that if she were to set foot on Death Eater territory, his own survival would be in jeopardy.

She regarded it as utterly pathetic for Dumbledore to rely on a child's aid in a war he seemed destined to lose from the start. In her view, his defeat had been sealed the moment she stepped into that orphanage. He bore responsibility for the torment she endured – hours of unspeakable torture and confinement in a dark basement, all because of her identity as a witch. Yet, he chose to turn a blind eye, refusing to intervene. The past was no longer a matter of concern to her; it was now all about what she would do to exact retribution and make him pay for the damage he had wrought.

The day couldn't have been more perfect for scheming and plotting. Ideas had already taken root in Meissa's mind, and she had a journal at the ready to document her nefarious plans. She set her quill down and cast her eyes upon a familiar blonde girl who was making her way toward the Forbidden Forest with a conspicuous satchel in tow. Curiosity, like a relentless phantom, beckoned her, and she submitted to its call. She resolved to tail the girl, nurturing the hope of uncovering something scandalous, something that would give her support.

Meissa couldn't fathom the reason behind the blonde girl's venture into the Forbidden Forest, a place off-limits for a very good reason. But then again, Luna Lovegood had earned her nickname 'Looney Lovegood' for valid cause. Meissa remained concealed behind a sturdy tree, her curiosity still holding sway as she observed Luna. Luna reached into her satchel, extracting a piece of meat, and offered it to a strange, horse-like creature. The creature bore a striking resemblance to a skeletal horse, but with the added peculiarity of wings. Intrigued, Meissa found herself inching closer, determined to uncover the secrets of this bizarre encounter.

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