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It looks like a dream, sounds like a dream, but the feeling of it all seems too realistic. What have they done to me? No, more importantly, who did this to me? Where even am I? both mentally and physically. Something is not quite right here. I can feel myself stand up normally, but it is still an unusual feeling. My eyes are blurry, but I can make out shapes and colours - everything looks like a fantasy world. Surely it is a dream, but where are my family? Where is my girlfriend? I need to get back to them.

I wander around the mysterious world, looking for answers or even just a way out. I know I used to enjoy the company of my own thoughts, but this is something completely different from what I had in mind. I'm not in the real world anymore - there are things floating around. It just doesn't make any sense. I can feel a warm sensation, a bit like sunlight, until I look up to realise that there is a huge blazing spherical entity in the sky above me. I blink for a millisecond and I open my eyes to see that I am surrounded by people. However, they all seem similar in age. There's something about them that makes me feel uneasy, it's as if I have met or seen some of these people before. The floor started shaking, followed by a huge explosion. 

"WELCOME MY FELLOW AUDIENCE! I AM YOUR SAVIOUR FOR I HAVE GIVEN YOU A CHANCE TO REVIVE YOURSELVES!". The place filled with mutters and whispers. What is this guy talking about? "EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU STOOD HERE BEFORE ME ALL HAVE SOMETHING IN COMMON, YOU ARE ALL DEAD! BUT MORE SPECIFICALLY, YOU ALL DIED TODAY! JOIN ME IN THE CHALLENGE TO HAVE A SECOND CHANCE AT LIFE!" that's when all the mutters and whispers turned into panic and crying. Why is nobody confronting this guy? Surely this is some sort of joke? The ground rumbled again. "I MUST WARN YOU ALL, YOU ONLY HAVE 10 DAYS TO REVIVE YOURSELVES BEFORE YOUR LIFE SUPPORTS ARE SWITCHED OFF!" the voice echoed, not only shaking the world around us but shaking the minds and souls of all these people stood here. Someone has to do something, this is all bullshit. I have to do something. "You're a liar! This is your sick idea of a joke! You haven't even told us your name or even where we are! You're so full of shit you evil bastard!". The figure broke out of its spherical protection and floated down in front of me. "Quite right, Kirito. Or is it Kirigaya? Anyway, let me fill you in a little more shall I" He turned around and started to walk away. "YOU ARE ALL IN A MAKESHIFT UNDERWORLD WHERE I AM YOUR GUARDIAN, YOUR GUARDIAN RIDIAN! IF YOU FAIL TO COMPLETE YOUR CHALLENGE IN 10 DAYS OR LESS THEN YOU WILL PASS ON TO THE LAND OF THE DEAD. Is that clear enough?" I'm now starting to think that this is in fact real. If I'm dead, then I didn't get to say goodbye to my family, or to Asuna - we're meant to be getting married soon. I fell to my knees - but I refused to cry as I am going to beat this world, I will see her again. "DOUBLE TAP YOUR BRACELETS ON YOUR LEFT WRIST, IT GIVE YOU ALL THE INFORMATION ABOUT YOURSELVES. MORE IMPORTANTLY, YOUR CAUSE OF DEATH...FEEL FREE TO TAKE A LOOK". Without thinking, I double-tapped my black metal bracelet. I needed to know. The display showed "Kazuto (Kirito) Kirigaya: age 17 - cause of death: Shot wounds  - Location: WRATH Tech college". 

This can't be true, Asuna was coming to meet me for lunch in the gardens. Is she here too? She can't be. As it pains me to be apart from her, I hope she is still alive. The echoey voice started up again "I FORGOT TO MENTION, YOU CAN TAP OUT OF THIS WORLD TO WITNESS WHAT IS GOING ON WITHOUT YOU. YOU CAN ONLY DO THIS TWICE A DAY FOR AN HOUR AT A TIME SO MAKE IT COUNT. I HOPE YOU CAN REALLY GET A GRASP  ON HOW THEY ARE FEELING. YOU ALL HAVE THE SAME CHALLENGE TASK LIST - IT'S ABOUT SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. YOU CAN START NOW!" and with that, the figure evaporated whilst cackling sadistically. I'm not giving up on my family, but before I leave here, I need to make sure that Asuna isn't down here with me because if she is, then it's my fault that she's dead. I run around the square calling for her, but she's not here. Meaning that she's alive and waiting for me.

I look at my task sheet - it's so long and I only have 10 days to complete all of it. I have to do all that I can, I need to see her. We haven't even said our vows yet. I'm doing this for her happiness, I can't see her broken again. If I can survive Aincrad, Alfheim and GGO - I can do this easily. Hang on. If I was in college, surely I'm not on my own down here. "Well well, look who it is, my nerdy boy Kirito!" said a familiar voice. I turn around and see Aito Yazato - I must have missed him as I was focused on finding Asuna. "Aito, what the hell dude?! You're the most cautious person I know!" he just laughed and put his hand at the back of his neck. "Yup! you got me there. But it's ok, I'm not here on my own though - I'm guessing that you are though" Aito awkwardly chuckled. I was trying to think about what he meant by he's not on his own, then I started seeing double. Wait, he has a twin brother - Akio?! "Akio? You too? But how did all this happen? I don't remember a thing about what happened" Akio's face sunk, he knew something that we didn't. "Akio, what's wrong dude? Do you remember what happened?" Aito was interrogating him. Akio sighed and looked up at me with a sorrowful look on his face. "The thing is Kirigaya, I saw Asuna before I came tp college - she was waiting for you by the bench next to the garden. However, there was a weird guy talking to her, he looked as though he was trying to...you know...touch her up. But it's ok! I stopped him before he could do anything and he went into college so I assumed he was another student". I could feel tears building up, but I bit my lip and held them back - I need to know more. "Continue Akio, I need to know. Whatever you saw him do or know what Asuna told you, I need to know now". I knew that I sounded pushy and insensitive but I need all the knowledge I can get out of him. He sighed "Asuna told me that he apparently knew you and wanted to see you as soon as possible. But then she started to cry and tell me how scared she was. There was more to the reason she was scared than him just being a creep". Akio started to stutter and sweat nervously. He moved closer to me and held my hands, almost sympathetically. "The reason she was so scared...because she was going to tell you...you're going to be a father Kirigaya. Asuna is pregnant. She's been hiding it for ages until she knew that there were no problems with her or the baby. She's actually pretty far along, but barely showing. That's what she was going to tell you at lunch". I couldn't believe it, I knew there was something with her recently, how all of a sudden she was always so busy, preparing to surprise me. I'm not even mad that she hadn't told me, I just wish I hadn't have stayed behind in class to finish my project. I need to get back to her and my baby, as well as to see the rest of my family. I hugged Akio and started to cry happy tears. I know now that there is more of a reason to get myself out of this hell, and I'm bringing Aito and Akio out with me. If I've learnt anything from SAO, it's that you need powerful and mentally strong people by your side.  

"Aito, Akio - let's get out of here!"

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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