Friends, Acquaintances, Romances, and Family

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       Toru paces back and forth in his bedroom. District 1 isn't that much different from the Capital, they are very similar, of course the Capital is wealthier and more privileged but not that different. 

        Toru has been trained for this moment since he turned eight and yet he still feels scared stiff. Afraid of dying in the arena, outside of this bedroom he has to act tough and strong but on the inside he's screaming in terror. He doesn't want to die, he wants to go home to his family, his sister, his nephew, his parents, all his friends. 

        Worst of all Iwaizumi was chosen, one of the closes people to him came to die beside him. He flops down on the cushioned bed and curls his knees into his chest, bundling all his emotions inside, keeping everything shoved down into his stomach. 

       "Hey Shittykawa. Mizoguchi and Irihata want to talk strategy over dinner. You ready?" Toru hears his Iwa's voice through the door. It opens slowly, but Toru doesn't look up, he stays in the curled up position in the centre of his bed. 

        "We don't have time for this, Toru. You have to keep your hopes up. Okay, or I'll beat you senseless." Iwa walks towards the bed. He's the only person that knows truly how scared Toru Oikawa is of death. 

        "That's illegal Iwa- Chan. You can't touch me." Toru lifts his gaze teasing Iwaizumi. Iwa rolls his eyes and smiles. 

       "What are they gonna do? Through me in an arena to fight to the death? Oh wait." He laughs extending a hand towards Toru, who laughs at Iwa's sad attempt at humor. 

        "Together till the end, Iwa?" Toru takes his hand. Iwaizumi pulls him out of the bed. A hand on his back he pushes Toru gently out of the room. 



       "What are we going to do Ushiwaka? Kill everybody at once or hide in the arena for all eternity?" Tendou smiles. His curved lips and hooded eyes give his an almost psychopathic look, though Ushijimi knows that Tendou is no crazy person. 

       "I think it's best to kill as we come across tributes." He states monotony. His emotions never wavering for a second. Tendou thinks for a moment. 

       "What if no one comes to us? Do we go hunting?" He asks sitting down on the sofa next to the greenish brown haired teenager. 

       "Whatever you think is best Tendou." Ushijima simply responds. Neither one had met before being chosen, their personalities contrast each other, but their mentor, Tanji Washijō has advised them to stick together, together they're stronger. 

       "Not much of a talker are you Wakatoshi?" Tendou flips upside down on the sofa, letting his feet hang over the top where his head should be. Ushijima stays silent, not saying a word. Tendou smiles, "That's okay. I'll talk for you." 


       Asahi looks down at the tiny girl beside him, she's so young. The caring part of him wants to stick with her throughout the whole games but the more logical side is telling him he can't do that, he'll have to leave her on her own once the games start. 

       She'll slow him down and give him a lesser chance of surviving the blood bath but until the games begin he can help her and teach her some tricks. He way not know a lot but he knows enough that she might be able to survive a couple nights on her own. 

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