Pull me out!

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Staring down into the never-ending dark
Tilting my head, I tried to understand

The labyrinth of my cruel dark wraiths
Swirling around in darkness

Pushing me inside the dark abyss...... Scared, Bleak

I dug my feet to fight.
But that little torch of hope never arrived

I heard myself screaming, struggling
But it left me like a hollow sight

"Pull me out" said my pathetic voice..... Silence, bleak
Nobody answered or even peeked

I became vulnerable and weak as I saw my demon smirk while masquerading me .......

Tortured, tormented
The utter black shell encircled,
Shutting me out entirely..

Nobody noticed the lifeless eyes replacing the charming ones

And still those people have an audacity to say 'I don't even know who you are anymore'

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